*•. {| HoonSol ~ A good accident |} .•*

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I actually see them as great friends, but I kinda wanted to up their relationship status for the sake of this book. The same with Won.. if you guys want to see one of those you can request one! ^^ 👉👈

Hansol was in the process of creating his rap verse for their upcoming song. After a few minutes, he heard bangs and commotion.
" Hello? " He called out.
Their was a one minute pause before the door was slammed open and a bunch of his member's came crashing down. Some groaned, some were mildly embarrassed.
" Uhh... what are you guys doing..? " He asked, in English for some odd reason.
" Sorry Han.. we just wanted to hear your upcoming rap... Jihoon talked about how good it was, we became curious.. " Jisoo stood up from the pile of in-pain men.
" And all 10 of you barged in my room? " He asked, both concerned and angry about his poor wall and door.
They looked down and started to bow, also apologising.

Author's P.O.V

Jihoon was walking down the corridor, walking past the chattering staff, until he heard a loud crash at the end of the hallway, assuming it was Vernon's apartment, he went down and rushed to see a pile of his members knocked down on the floor. He hid behind something and listened into the commotion.
" Uhh... what are you guys doing..? " Jihoon thought he was speaking in English so immediately, he did not understand what the young American was talking about. In the midst of the pile, Joshua stood up and apologised, responding in also, American.
" Sorry Han... we just wanted to hear your upcoming rap... Jihoon talked about how good it was, we became curious.. " upon hearing his name, he became immediately flustered as he heard that the cause of this incident was his doing.
" Wait... wh-what? " The young American became utterly confused and flustered as he heard that his sunbaenim was praising him for his work.
" Yeah! He was so engaged and just won't stop talking about it! You're so lucky Vern, your secret admirer won't stop talking about you! " Seokmin giggles and wiggled his eyebrows.
Jihoon came out from where he was hiding and stepped into the room with wide eyes, a red tinted face and jaw wide open.





Amongst that silence, the rest of the members shuffled out of the room, ushering each other to hide behind something.
" Hy- Hyung... d-did you he-hear everything...? " Vernon tried to clear the obvious awkward silence.
The smaller nodded, mouth agap from the previous events. The taller noticed this and chuckled, before saying-
" Hyung you're going to get flies in your mouth. "
Jihoon closed his mouth shut, an audible closing of the mouth and looked at the floor, avoiding the gazes from his dongsaeng.
" Hyung... do you like me back...? " Hansol asked, stepping closer to the uncomfortable figure. Jihoon stepped back a couple steps, knowing he may back into a wall.
" I-I... " Jihoon's mind was racing with crazy and unimaginable thoughts.
He doesn't like me back no way!
He's going to laugh at me..
He's not going to look up at me...
He won't like me anymore..
He wouldn't want to be near me...
He won't...
Love me anymore...

With unnoticed tears, trickling down his pale cheeks, Jihoon backed himself into a wall and muttered things under his breath... unaudible things, vernon could not make out. With worry starting to flood in the dongsaeng's mind, he walked up to the smaller and wrapped his arms around the small frame, holding him close.
" Hyung... if you think I'm going to leave you I won't.. and I never will... " the taller whispered soothing sentences to calm the small and upset producer.
" R-right..? Bu-but you'll e-end up l-le-leaving m-me... " he uttered the most heartbreaking thing Hansol had heard from Jihoon. Vernon immediately separated each other only a few centimetres and stared at the smaller intensely.
" What made you think I was going to leave you? " He asked deeply, angry about the fact that his beloved crush and friend was acting terribly to himself. He knew his ex boyfriend had treated him like shit, the reason why his lyrics were so dark and depressing, he didn't think we would leave him so soon just for something unsupported by the community.

Jihoon noticed the coldness in his eyes and pressed himself further into his shoulders as he could. He stared back down at the floor and didn't dare look back at the concerned member.
Hansol noticed this avoidance and lifted his chin softly.
" Hyung... answer me.. please.. " Hansol started to beg for an answer, wondering why his beloved Hyung would act this way.
" Be.. because I.. kn-know you g-g-guys would le-leave m-me for th-this stupid c-crush o-of mine.. " Jihoon sputtered out, more tears starting to fall out of his puffy eyes. Hansol couldn't help but fall in love even more, staring at his puffy eyes, red and small nose, the flushed cheeks, the plump small lips he yearned for. At this moment, he let himself kiss the salty tears falling from his loving Hyung's eyes.
" Don't cry Hoonie Hyung... and don't you dare think any of us will ever leave you... you don't deserve that kind of neglect, especially after your asshole of a ex boyfriend abused you. " Hansol started to kiss his eyes.
Hansol couldn't notice at this time, but Jihoon was as red as a tomato.
" And if you couldn't notice by the fact that I'm kissing you right now, I like you. Like, fucking in love with you Jihoon. I want you to be mine. I want to shower you with love Hoonie. The cheesiest way possible. " Hansol grinned as if he's about to accomplish something. Jihoon started to cry tears of joy as if he found light in his world of sorrow and sadness. He nodded and responded
" I'm in love with you too Chwe fucking Hansol. " Vernon smiled widely and immediately kissed his lips passionately. The other members entered the room and cheered, clapping for the new couple. Hansol picked him up and continued to lean him against the wall to not make his back hurt. The tears of sorrow was replaced with happiness.

Moral of the story; DK can be a real great friend for some situations, sometimes, he can just fuck things over. Also I wrote this at midnight so I'm fucking tired and want to sleep. Bye bye, take care of your photocards, peace kpopzens. 👋👋☺️💜💜💜

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