Chapter 1

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"Constance! Are you ready?"
"Almost just have to find my shoes!!"
I was running around my bedroom looking for my white converse. I could've sworn they were under my bed but now they're not. I check my closet, throwing my sandals, swimsuits and anything else in my way when suddenly I find them. "Okay I'm ready!" I place them in my suitcase and zip it quickly. "It's about time," I turn around and there's Julia-my best friend. "Sorry, my room is a bit of a mess today." "It's a bit of a mess every day, Con," she said laughing. I shrugged, what am I supposed to say? I live a busy life between teaching music to kids, taking college courses and life in general.
"Sorry, but hey, I'm ready now. Let's get this show on the road."
We take our luggage outside to the car and load up. After a hectic month, the two of us had decided we needed a weekend trip so we were headed to Disney World. We live in Tampa so it's not far at all. "What hotel are we staying at again?" "Holiday Inn on International Blvd. it's, like, right outside of Disney."
I was the planner between the two of us. Julia, although responsible, was dealing with a lot. The guy she had been talking to just ended things and she was trying to find a new job. Although she lives in an apartment away from her family, they help take care of her. I, however, still live with my parents. Money got tight when I was at college so I moved back home and now I'm a little nervous to move out. So I spend my time saving money for that some day that I do. I'm also the oldest sibling so I have to be responsible if I'm gonna be a good influence for my two sisters.
"Take this exit onto I-4" I said. We didn't live too far from orlando, Tampa is about an hour away if there's no traffic. Could be three hours if you drive during prime time. Today, we're getting there when the park opens. Julia took the turn and we were on our way.

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