How could you- A Tiana one-shot

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No. It was over. It was all a bad dream... That was all Biana could say convince herself that Tam wasn't really gone...

No. Tam wasn't gone. he wasn't...

And whenever reality hit upon her again, and she knew that she had to embrace the fact that Tam Song was really gone, the tears in her impossibly teal eyes shone like broken jewels. 

And they leaked out.

Every, last one.

And yet, Biana still had to act strong in front of everyone, pretending everything was okay when it wasn't. 

It pained her everyday.

Yet, she couldn't let them know. No. She had to stay strong for them. Be the shoulder they needed to cry on. Be the ear they needed to tell their troubles to.

And yet, they had never thought of doing the same for her.

They were too stuck up in their own losses, that they had forgotton that she was only an elf.

And even worse, they might have thought she hadn't cared.

Hadn't cared about Tam even a little

That was how she seemed unaffected.

But she did.

Biana did, even more than she wanted to admit.

A fresh set of tears welled up in her eyes and they were about to spill again. Knowing her friends thought that she didn't care about their losses was too painful to put to words.

She continued to cry.

Until she felt a soft pair of arms, and something, no someone, to cry on. 

It was he himself, Tam Song.

Biana pulled away from him and leaped out of his embrace. No. She wouldn't be hugging him, not after he returned on such a short notice. 

"Biana. It's Tam, it really is..." His voice trailed away.

"How. Could. You." That was all that came out of Biana's mouth. She was sick and tired of pretending that she hadn't been hurt, hadn't been affected. No. She had taken that mask and burned it. The darkness of that situation was consuming her soul whole, until all that was left of her was an empty, freezing, shell of bitterness.

"Biana I know your mad-"

"DID YOU REALLY THINK I WOULDN'T BE?" Biana practically hollered. 

"What's going on?" No. It was Fitz. With that, Biana slammed her door and blinked out of sight, and she assumed that Tam had hidden with the shadows.

As Fitz's footsteps faded, she heard soft sniffles. Coming from... Tam? No. She was dreaming again. But it sounded so... real. Oh no. What had she done?

"Tam... please come out..."

With that, the shade hesitantly stepped out of the shadows, his beautiful sliver-blue eyes visibly had tears in them.

"Biana... I... I only did it for Linh. They... were going to hurt her... I couldn't to that to the only family member who truly appreciated me for who I was. Tam Song, the shade. No. Everyone else only thought of me as a wayward from Exillium, a boy who's ability was nearly banned, and now all you think of me... is a traitor. I know I'm not that great... with feelings and stuff, but... This is just how I feel. Hate me if you want-" With that, his voice cracked. Biana could tell he couldn't hold back the tears anymore. He broke out into a melt down.

"Tam-" Biana no longer cared. She pulled Tam into a tight embrace, and they stayed like that for a long time. The longer she thought about it, the longer she realised that he was only doing it for Linh. How could she have been so selfish? How? Honestly. She had only thought about her side of the story, Tam betraying her. Betraying her other friends. She had never spared a thought about Tam-

She started to cry onto Tam's shoulder too. This was the boy who was beneath so many masks, both literally and figuratively. Now, she finally got to see the real, Tam Song. Underneath that handsome boy who made many girls fall for him, underneath the salty boy she had fallen in love with, this was something new. Tam was just a scared boy. A rejected boy, even by his own family, all except Linh. A boy who just wanted to protect his sister. A kind boy.

It felt like that they had hung on to each other forever, as if they were going to die if they didn't. 

Biana loved how warm it felt while hugging Tam. Then, after their tears turned to sniffles, she felt something. A new thing inside of her. A new kind of spark, a new kind of warmth. Love?

It sure felt like it.

"I- I'm so sorry," Tam started, looking rather embarrassed as he pulled away from Biana. How he looked so cute when he was embarrassed.

Now was the time.

"Tam. It's okay. I have been keeping this in for a while now, and it's finally time to tell you how I really feel. Whenever you smile, which is rare, I light up. It feels like everything clicks into piece. and your smile is beautiful. And your eyes, they're like pools of silver blue that I could stare into and I never want to go out of it. And- What I'm trying to say, is that... I- I like you, more than in a friend way."

Tam turned crimson red. "I... I think I do to."

A smile spread across Biana's pale pink lips. "Does that mean we kiss now?" 

"If you want to."

And so they did.

Tam's lips were soft, and he was just, such a good kisser. Oh, how she wished she could slow down time, or better yet, freeze it, so that the moment could last forever. She wished it could. However, all good things had to come to and end.

They finally pulled apart, and their faces were practically on fire. 

Then, Tam filled the awkward silence. "You have no idea how long I've waited to do that."

Biana smiled at him playfully. "Actually I think I do." 

Tam smiled, a rare sight. "So does this make us girl friend and boy friend?"

"If you want to be."

"I'll take that as a yes. I should probably go back and tell Linh about me coming back..."

"I could go with you if you want." Biana offered.

"Sure. Just promise me that you won't let go unless I tell you to."

The brunette smiled. "I won't let go."

With that, Tam held up his home crystal and said, "Alluveterre!" The couple stepped into the light, hand in hand.

Whew! There are like 1050 words here!!! YAY!!! Anyway, I loved this one too, it's even better than the Ditz oneshot! (In my opinion, your obviously free to have yours). Anyway, remember, no hate, but constructive feedback is welcome. Thank you so much for reading this! Love you amazing people!



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