Ch. 1: A New Start

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Chapter 1: A New Start

Y/N pov

I waltz into the classroom. This is the moment I have been waiting for my whole life. I'm finally at U.A. High School! After discovering I was recommended, I screamed and ran around my bedroom. It felt like a dream. Anyway, this is my big moment. With a huge smile on my face, I open my eyes to seeー


"Ow!" I yelped covering my face with my hands. I guess I didn't even check where I was walking because I tripped on a fat textbook lying on the floor. After rubbing my nose, I notice lots of faces in my vision. This is so embarrassing... on my first day of school too?! I hop up and nervously laugh it off. A frantic girl with bobbed hair ran in my direction.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry about that! My textbook fell out of my bag on the way to my desk. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm okay, here is your textbook," I said as I picked up the girl's textbook.

As I bent over to grab her textbook to hand it to her I felt tentative hands crawling up the back of my legs.

"Mineta, Jesus Christ, she's been here for like two seconds and you're already up her ass," I heard a boy's voice yell from across the classroom.

I looked around to find the source of the hands and discovered a short boy with what looked like purple balls on his head. He was around 3 feet tall with the grossest smirk sitting on his face.

"Hello beautiful," the short boy said. I honestly felt the most repulsed I have ever felt in my whole entire life.

"Please get your hands off of me." I stated crisply. People looked at me in shock. "What?"

"It's just that I don't think anyone has so bluntly told him to not touch them before," a boy with spiky red hair responded. "That's pretty manly," he said, smirking with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, it's pretty impressive," a girl with headphone jack-like earlobes added. What I thought was an embarrassing moment ended up turning into a great one. Everyone is praising me right now! I giggled, then sighed, "Anyway, I believe I haven't given you your textbook yet." I turn to the girl, who has been ironically standing next to me during the whole scene.

"Oh! Thank you!" She grabbed the textbook, "My name is Uraraka, it's nice meeting you!"

"Y/N, it's a pleasure meeting you too."

Everyone's heads perked up, I'm guessing they overheard our conversation. A few more students got up from their seats and started to approach me. Does everyone want to talk to me? All I did was stop a creep from looking up my skirt.

"Hey, my name is Kirishima. Got to say, you are pretty cool!"

"And my name is Jirou. I'm looking forward to getting to know you."

Others walked up to me too, but there was someone who stood out in the crowd. Well, they weren't necessarily in the crowd. He was sitting down on the opposite side of the classroom. He has spiky blonde hair, and had his earbuds in.

"Hey!" I exclaimed enthusiastically as I walked up to him, "What's your name?"

"None of your business, nosy bitch," He rudely replied.

"Oh- uhm, I just thought..."

"Thought what? That I was going to praise you like the rest of these shitheads for not being a completely useless fucker. Nah, I'm good."

"Alright, whatever. I was just trying to be friendly," I said, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, well I'm not, so you can move on."

What a great first impression he made, I thought as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Settle down, everyone. We have some business to handle today," stated a scruffy-looking man from the door of the classroom. I assumed this was the teacher. "Firstly, we have a new incoming student, (Y/N) (L/N)."

I walked up to the front of the class from the cue the teacher gave me. "Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I just recently moved here from Canada under my master's recommendation."

"Woah, Canada! That's like across the map or something," a boy with yellow hair and a lightning bolt in it happily stated.

"Haha, yeah something like that," I responded.

"Okay (Y/N), my name is Aizawa. Your seat is right next to Bakugou Katsuki," Aizawa-sensei addressed me stoically. "Bakugou, head up! Pay attention." He stated.

I looked to the classroom to see the boy with the blonde hair glare at me and Aizawa-sensei at the same time (How is that possible?). The seat next to him was the only one open. Ah, so his name was Bakugou. Wait! I have to sit next to him?! I thought to myself.

He apparently just had the same thought telling by the way his crimson eyes suddenly went wide. Well, this school year is going to get interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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