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MAY 15, 2019

"Melissa? Excuse me that's not
my name," She says making
everyone instantly laugh and
including Daniel who chuckled.

"Okay Mel, my baby, my sweet
buns, my favorite girl in the
world... after my mom obviously,"
This makes everyone laugh again.

"The first time I laid eyes on you
was 2 years ago, we met a party
where you caught my eye and I
asked Corey on who that girl with
Brown hair was, he then told me
that you were his best friend and
that you had just moved into
California, he then dragged me
over to you and introduced us to
one another and as soon as I heard
you talk I knew that you were going
to fuck my life up... and I promise in
a good way." The girl chuckles at this
and starts remembering this memory.

By this time Zack was now recording
instead of taking pictures while Corbyn
was also filming with the drone that
Zack had bought and to show off the
beautiful view.

"We then became friends and started talking
and a few months later I finally asked you
to be my girlfriend and my life has changed
dramatically and it's all thanks to you. By the
time that we were dating for 6 months, together
we explored half the world when I brought you
on tour with me and surprisingly no one knew
that we were dating yet and never noticed you
there, once we hit 10 months together I surprised
you with our own little apartment and soon we
both moved in together. For our one year we
spend our thanksgiving together and decided to
fuck it and get matching tattoos, those tattoos
are the number of the month that we started
dating. You taught me how to love unconditionally.

Although we've only been dating for a year and a
half I realized that you are the one that I want to
spend the rest of my life with..." Melissa looks
at him with tears in her eyes and knew where
this was going.

"So uh... will you marry me," Daniel asks
as he kneels down on one knee and showing
her the ring in the black velvet box and chuckles
as he sees her freaking out and kept asking him
if it was a joke, simply he shook his head and
nervously waited for her response.

"Daniel if you're fucking joking stop," The
tears in her eyes made it very emotional for
them both.

"Is this a prank?" The girl kept asking
questions while everyone laughed at her.

"Just say yes to him already you bitch," Corey
says loudly and everyone laughs with some
tears in their eyes.

"Soo is it a yes or...," Daniel continues to
grow nervous waiting for her response
when finally she did.

"Yes. My answer is yes," she says through
her sobs and Daniel lets out a sigh of relief
with a huge smile growing on his face. He
gets up and hugs her as she cries in happiness
in his shoulder.

Melissa pulls away from the hug to see his
face again and starts crying again.

"Okay don't cry, don't cry, here put it on,"
Daniel says before bringing his thumb up to
her cheeks to wipe the tears off her face.

"This a prank, is this a prank?" Melissa
kept asking while he puts the ring on her

"It's not a prank, stop saying it's a prank,"
he says as he chuckles.

The girl brings her hands up to his face
and brings her face closer to his and
kisses his soft lips.

"What the heck are you crazy," Was the first
thing Melissa says as they pull away from
the kiss.

"Not as crazy as you," He says and smiles
at her.

"How long have you been planning this!?"
The girl asked as she was trying to calm
herself down.

"Probably for a couple of weeks now. That
day when we went to go see the babies and
seeing you holding Velvet I knew that you were
the one and that I wanted to marry you. Seeing
you with Velvet I knew that my future and
future kids were with you," He says and making
her tilt her head at him in awe with a pout on her lips.

She brings him into a hug one more time and
looks up at him with a smile while he also
looks down to her.

"I love you so much don't forget that," She says.

"And I love you so so sooo much don't you
ever forget that," He replies as he pecks her
lips one more time.

"And since I love you so so sooo much I
recorded everything on when I got the ring
and when I called your dad over FaceTime
for his blessing which by the way was kinda
scary-" Daniel was saying, but was cut shortly
by Corey.

"Hey how come you didn't ask for my
blessing! If it weren't for me you guys
probably wouldn't. be engaged by now,"
With this everyone starts to laugh

"That's because I had to get your reaction,
now shut up!" Daniel says and continuing
what he was saying.

"But anyways I recorded everything starting
with me talking about our story and everything
about us. A few days later I recorded again and
recored Franny and Nezza's reaction to me telling
them how we were going to a ring shop and made
them guess why we were going and soon they
both figured out why we were going and told them
how I knew how much they know you so I knew they would be great help. Later on I recorded again and got
everyone reaction to the ring," he explains and making
her shock in all of this planning.

"Yeah you're welcome bitch!" said a voice on
Daniels phone that was being held by Jonah.

Melissa turns her face and notices that it was
none other than Franny's voice and on the screen
you can see all of her friends on FaceTime. They
all started saying 'hi's' and 'congrats'. The girl tears
up again for like the millionth time and says a
'thank you'.

"Wow Seavey you truly are amazing," she says
bring her face back to his.

"Yeah and like I said, since I love you so much
I even was able to talk our management and tell
them about what was happening and after a lot of convincing they are allowing you to actually post
the footage of what I recorded and what the drone recorded, basically everything that involves with
this whole thing, everyone is allowed to post about
this special day," This truly made Melissa happy
because she knew how much she would've
wanted to tell everyone about this since it was the
happiest day of her life.

"Thank you Dani, I know how much
trouble that must have been, but thank
you for all this. I can't see myself
marrying any other person besides you,"
she finally says and kisses him one more

"ditto," Daniel says with a large smile
growing on his face.

[ A U T H O R S  N O T E ]
i'm not crying you are 🤧

also don't be a ghost reader, you guys should
comment on if you liked it or what i should add,
anything is fine i just love reading comments so
much and i usually only get 2-3 comments on a
chapter and even 0 :( comment what you liked
about today's chapter 🌞

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