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Third person POV

Mattia drove them to their house. He parked in his driveway after a 30 minutes drive. he zoned out for a bit on his phone scrolling and like AmElIa's photos.

He returned to reality to the sound of faint crying. He looked at the passagers side to see that kairi had gotten out and was already opening the door. Mattia turned off his car a rushed after kairi.

Kai was already in his room and had the door lock. Kai hunched down at the door and had his back to it. He craddled his legs in his arms as he buried his face into his knees

Mattia finally made it to his door and knocked on it while crouching down.

M: Kai unlocked the door.

K: no...

M: then tell me what's wrong.

K: I-I don't kn-know matti

M: what do you mean by that

K: Leave Me Alone Tia Let Go To Sleep.... please

M: ok tell me if you need something 

Mattia got up to a sound of the door lock clicking and the door knob jiggling

K: mattia...

Mattia reached out to give kairi a hug which he excepted. Kai muffled stuff into the taller boys chest.

You remember when kairi said he didn't know why he was crying.

Bitch put an answer I'm waiting....

Ok you've answered? Okay thx

Well he did know why he was crying. Did he enjoy the sex. Yes. Did he enjoy what happened after the sex... no

Ace had gotten drunk after sex. He was so drunk to where he called up another dude to fuck. Kairi was crying because he couldn't have something to himself.

Mattia...nope that's Amelia's

Ace...nah that the other dudes property.

Kairi had no one. No one to claim. No one to get defensive over. No one to share nice moments with. No one...No one.

Those thoughts rang through kairi's mind as he muffled this into mattia's now soaked shirt.

Kairi kept thinking

No one...

No one...

No one...

Kairi was too busy crying and thinking to notice mattia and shut and locked the door and they were now in the bed

K: ... Do I not have something that everybody wants...what's wrong with me...why can't I have somebody...

M:... kairi....what do you mean

K: you won't understand....cause you have aMeLiA

K: and ace has that random fucking guy and probably other fucking people

K: but then you have me....the black sheep of the body wants me... nobody loves me...I have no one... And everyone else has someone...someone to love— someone to cherish. I HAVE NO ONE

Kairi let's go of mattia and rolled the opposite way so mattia couldn't see him in such a trash state. Kai played with his hair before he was pulled into mattia by his hair

Mattia still had ahold of kairi's hair but let go to but his arms around kairi's waist

M: kairi...don't waste my time with that bs

K: it's not bullshit...I feel so lonely

M: and you both know I love and cherish you

K: ok but what happened to bros before hoes. Your always with Amelia.

M: cuz were not bros... we're best friends...with benefits...ok?

K: I guess

M: love you

Mattia slowly place soft kisses along kairi's forehead and jaw. Kairi was sound asleep so mattia decided to do the same.


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