ahh shit here we go again

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3 weeks later

Kairi's POV

I was getting ready to leave and go to khalils house. We were back home in new Jersey and guess who got an apartment here after we came back


He had like this charm to him. I don't but I'm simping


k: bye lena.... Bye mattia
I said as I head to the front door

L: I'm still mad u ain't dating my dad but bye or whateva

K: you need to get a boyfriend so you'll have something else to worry about. Period

L: period my ass. Bye bitch

She shot me a middle finger as she rolled her eyes. I walked out the and began thinking. We're they really mad that I'm not dating mattia. We can't date anyway mattia is bisexual and I'm pretty sure he prefers girls.


Kh: babe!!!

Khalil saw me and ran up and wrapped his arms around me

K: hey whatcha doing today

Kh: I'm boutta get on the game with the boys

K: you never pay attention to me

Khalil put down his controller and took of his headphones

Kh: ok then whatchu wanna do today

K: can we go to the--

Kh: the amusement park

K: how'd you know

Kh: you say it everytime I guess we can go today


K: I'm tired can you take me back home

Kh: sure I'm kinda tired too


M: TF did y'all do fuck

K: no I went to the amusement

M: so that's why your hairs messed up

K: yep

M: yea right kairi

I kinda snapped. Mattia has been so mad at me ever since me and Khalil got together


mattia looked like he had seen a ghost. I really wanted to baby him but I was mad. He was mad. We were both mad. For what him being a jealous little bitch.

He looked down. He looked like he really wanted to tell me something

K: Mattia if you need to tell me something you can

M: no I cant...I really can't kairi

K: why

M: BECAUSE we have something I don't want to loose... If you do just tell me and I'll tell you cause there is no use in being in something you don't like

K: mattia I really need to know what you mean so I can understand

M: kairi...we have a friendship that we both enjoy...but...but...I don't want a friendship

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes

M: you can always tell me how you feel but I can't...and you wanna know why... because I feel weak when I even try to express any other emotion except confidence.

K: mattia just tell me

Mattia looked everywhere else except at me and when we finally made eye contact he took at deep breath and said

M: Kai...I lik... No I don't like you I fucking love you

With everything going on with the protests and stuff I just have to say everyone need to stand strong as a black person I just want everyone to known it's not ok to not say something even if you don't have any influence you need to hold yourself accountable to help people understand.

Help us get out rights please

As a black person I need everyone to understand that we have rights and as black people or every non white person we are having our rights striped away from us .

And if you are a white privilege person please do something to educated people around you.

No hate is needed right now. We all need to stand strong and together

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