To everyone🌹

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To be understood when you can find no words to describe what is going on in your head is lamentable to say the least.
Everyone seems to know the path to the bed of roses but you keep oscillating between insanity and more insanity.
As someone who once stared into the inferno of depression and is still struggling to avoid the enticing grimaces of death, I plead with you to hold on to that tiny cord however slippery because you're not alone.
We are a big community of outcasts so just stretch forth your hands and touch mine. We will surely survive this no matter how long it takes.

               -Prince George Acquah Jnr.

It's not just in your head.
The darkness doesn't just surround your skull;
It is not just your thoughts covered with a pall.
This is real. This is valid.
Yes, it is messy sometimes.
Sometimes, it is dreary.
But I promise you
It is real and valid
And it's okay.
Because there is nothing wrong with being human.
You are allowed to feel the emotions.
You are allowed to go through the motions.

                      -Irene A. Boafo

I believe we are caught up in the most difficult era where pressure is mounting on every side.
Whilst people have the strong urge to succeed, the aim of others is to fit in.
These situations if not controlled creates a mental turmoil which gradually eats up the sufferer: this in the long run affects the overall well-being of the individual.
With this said, mental health should not be taken for granted and as human beings, one of the fundamentals of our existence is to serve as support systems for each other by encouraging and admonishing with love when need be.

              -Kwame Ofori Adomako

There are days the madness would go away, when you smile and feel okay, there are happy days, hope for these days because they always come, no matter how long.

               -Kwabena Gyampo Asare

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