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These loads I never get to drop,
My guilt, my shame, my sins,
For each step and a heave I take,
They double up,
Like roller coasters on ice,
They never stop yet they never break.

A little sidewalk and a glass of water,
So I can hump this bump of a burden,
I need a ray of hope and dazzle of air,
One to keep me walking this journey of despair,
And the other, enough will to lift a foot.

There's this hole that keeps dashing out,
After ten steps or so,
I've lost count,
I think I'd probably fall in,
Maybe it's a portal to the end of my worries,
What if it's one to the edge of my sorries?
Those I'm trying to run from for so long.

I know I have a little over a trillion steps more,
Maybe I should become a vicar,
Least I'd go on missions,
Not spreading the info but escaping.

I can't tell how far I've come,
I do know I'm barely a scratch off,
I'm under a big foot,
Not the big foot you know,
I'm under a cloud of feet,
Those that step all over my frail brain,
Those that belong to the demons,
Those that come from the cracks to squash,
Those I have to carry everywhere,
So am I truly ever free from them?
I linger with them through my trek,
Through my journey,
Those burdens that I can't get rid of!   


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