Bonfire Fiasco.

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By the time Yoongi and Taehyun were back, Hoseok and Jisung were already in the cabin. Yoongi felt genuinely guilty for picking a fight with the both of them over the trivial reason of a sandwich hitting him. He tried to apologize but Hoseok only flinched. "Hey...look man, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to take it this far. I'm very sorry about my actions today, and I hope the both of you will accept my apology." Yoongi said and bowed to both of them. He had just turned around when Hoseok said, "Wait. I'm sorry too, Yoongi-ssi. I shouldn't have launched that peanut butter tuna & mayo jam sandwich in the air." "So we're all good now?" Yoongi asked as he turned around. Jisung and Hoseok nodded. They all pulled in for a hug but Taehyun came to ruin it. "Uhh....sorry to interrupt your bromance or whatever, but we need to get going now. The bonfire's about to start." Taehyun said while dragging Baekhyun along with him to wash up. "Oh and also can I get a little help with hyung here?" Taehyun asked as the other three sighed and trudged towards Baekhyun.

All five boys headed towards the bicycle shed, so that they could cycle to the bonfire. Everyone mounted their respective bikes and cycled off.

Soon, they were at bonfire. Each group had their own. The  Wolverines had total 11 kids. They were-

Min Yoongi
Byun Baekhyun
Kang Taehyun
Jung Hoseok
Park Jisung
Hirai Momo
Min Eunji
Son Seungwan
Choi Jisu
Kim Jennie
Heo Yoorim

And yes, Hoseok and Yoongi were quite surprised to see their own sisters in their group. Well, whatever. It didn't matter unless they did something embarrassing and lowered their reputation.

Their counselor was to have the day off, so he left them in hopes that they would look after themselves. After all, they were mature teens. What could go possibly go wrong?  

The counselor told them to light the bonfire themselves and left for the staff quarters. Everyone was assigned different tasks, and the Min siblings were to light the bonfire. Eunji collected a bunch of dry twigs and put them in front of her brother, who was trying to set fire to the twigs. She wiped her brow and said, "Hey, guess what." Yoongi only looked up, raised an eyebrow at his sister, and went back to his task. And what Eunji said next, made Yoongi almost get a heart attack. "You know Kim Jennie? She's in my cabin and I think....I think she's the one for you."

Yoongi was so shook, that he accidentally yeeted the lighter in his hand, causing it to set fire on Yoorim's sweatshirt, who just happened to be passing by with the hot cocoa. She began yelling and crying. "YAH! OMG OMG OMG! HELP! MY SWEATSHIRT'S ON FIRE!" Baekhyun soon came to her aid and splashed her an entire bucket of freezing cold water on her. Yoorim got soaked from head to toe. She stood frozen for a second before turning to Baekhyun and pouncing on him. "Why you little-" She began.

They kept on bickering and were at each other's necks, until Hoseok could take it no more. He tried to separate them, but as a result, the poor boy got dragged into the fight.

On the other hand, Eunji, Jisu, Momo, and somehow Jisung were making s'mores and got distracted while gossiping about other groups. This resulted in the marshmallows to melt and create a huge, sticky and hot mess on the grass. Jennie had gotten up to get more crisps, but instead she slipped and fell into marshmallow-mess. Taehyun reached out to help her, but he too, got tangled into the gooey substance.

The only sane ones standing now, were Seungwan and Yoongi. "Man, this is gonna be a long night." Seungwan said, emphasizing the word 'long'. "Yup." Yoongi agreed, as they both sighed in unison.

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