1 - Dating Sims and Donuts

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In case you missed it in the description before, there are gonna be spoilers :)

"But Adaaaaamm!" Kai whined, "I don't wanna go!"

Adam sighed and rested his face in his palm. Adam, Kai and Mira had been invited to Vanessa's house for sort of a celebration, for getting through the Hollow a second time. There was no more bad blood between them, but Kai still refused to go.

"Why though? Are you that desperate to stay home and play games all day?" Adam asked.

"Yes!" Kai replied quickly, "Staying home and playing game is how I celebrate!"

Adam knew this would happen when Mira sent him to pick Kai up for the get-together. He walked over and sat on the and if Kai's bed.

"Well, I'm not going to let you celebrate alone." Adam said and Kai's face lit up with a smile, "What co-op games you got?"

"Really? You're gonna ditch the party and hang out here with me?!" Kai couldn't stop the grin on his face as he set up his large, flat screen tv.

"Yeah. I'll just tell Mira you're not feeling well and that I'm looking after you." The other said as he got out his phone.

"You're the best!" Kai said, sitting in the bed and pulling Adam into a quick hug.

Adam blushed slightly at the contact. He couldn't understand why every time Kai hugged him, he felt butterflies in his stomach. Kai pulled away and pressed start on his controller, handing a second one to Adam. They played for hours, both being good in different games. Adam crushed Kai in any melee fighter games, but Kai was the ultimate winner in anything that benefited from extremely accurate aiming.

"Ah, I'm beat!" Kai said as Adam beat in another fighting game, laying back on the bed with half his legs hanging off the edge.

"How about we go get some food?" Adam suggested standing up and stretching out his arms.

Kai watched as Adam stretched his arms forwards and back, noticing that Adam was quiet flexible. He noticed that Adam's arms were slightly toned, and couldn't help but wonder what he looked like without a shirt on. Quickly he looked away from his friend and stood up as well.

"I guess we can go outside for food quickly, but when we get back, I've got a new game I've been dying to play." Kai said walking to the door of his room, "Mira suggested it to me, saying it's probably a kind of game I've never played before."

"Mira suggested it?" Adam repeated and Kai nodded, "Ah, I can guess what kind of game it is."

The two friends went down to one of Kai's favourite places and brought some donuts. They set up again in Kai's room and started the game. Before he got to the menu, a video played. Adam immediately recognised the game as one of Mira's dating sim games. He'd played a few dating sims before, and he didn't mind them too much. Okay, maybe he did go through a phase where he would play a bit of one daily.

"Oh, a dating sim!" Kai said once the short music video at the start finished, "Ah, looks like a classic otome game!"

"I think this is one of More's favourite ones." Adam said, "She really likes the quiet, Why types in these games."

"Ooh, we get to name the character!" Kai said, ignoring Adam a bit, "What should we call it?"

"It's your game, you get to choose." Adam said, "How about just call it Kai?"

He typed 'Kai' into the game and it started with another quick video showing off each of the characters.

"It looks like there's five guys to choose from..." Kai said, he never failed to get engrossed in any game.

The Hollow ~ Kai X Adam And Adam X Reeve One Shots (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now