It's Delicate

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I have played 'Delicate' a thousand times by now but never acoustic live with Joe in the room. I mean I played the song for him when I was about to release reputation but it was the finished audio. I have sung it live at tour while he was there but this time it's different. We've been together now for almost 3 years. This time it's more intimate. Not a stadium full of people listening but a small room compared to tour. Also acoustic makes it 10 times more intense.

As I start playing, the fans start screaming. I'm impatiently playing the intro to hear the fans yelling back at me. I love there '1 2 3 let's go bitch' thing they've invented. It makes the song so much more fun. During the song I keep checking the crowd. Checking if they have as much fun as I have. Also checking on Gigi. I can see her dancing with her friends. I obviously also check on Joe even though I've already did that about 30 times tonight. But he looks just to handsome to not look at him. I can see his blue eyes flashing in the light which makes smile.
I'm the only one playing until the end of the first chorus. The band starts joining and again the fans are screaming so incredibly loud.

I start smiling cause this just makes me so happy. Seeing all those people having the times of their lives. I look at Joe to see his reaction. He gives me a massive smile. It's one of those 'I'm-very-proud-of-you-babe' -smiles. I love when he does that. He's so supportive more than any of ex boyfriends have ever been. I really do love him for that. So so much. I tear up just thinking about it. During the bridge I literally tear up. I know that everybody can see that but I don't care. I feel so much for him. I can't describe this. I point at him and smile. My whole heart belongs to this man and this man only. I know that he knows what I'm thinking right know. He gives me the biggest smile and points back at me. This makes me tear up even more.

After Delicate I perform 3 more songs, including 'Style', 'You Need To Calm Down' and 'Shake it off'.

I say goodbye to the fans and go backstage as fast as I can because I know he's waiting there for me. I walk around the corner and run into his arms. "I love you so fucking much, you can't imagine?" I whisper in his ear. I pull out of his arms quickly to kiss him. "I love you too", he says pulling me back into the hug. It lasted for about 3 minutes.

Gigi and her friends join us.
"Come on you were apart for how long? An hour?", she says giggleling.

I run to hug her.

"I haven't seen you in AGES!!! I missed you. So much."

"I missed you too honey. So nice to see you again."

I greet all her friends and walk back to Joe.

"You two are adorable", one of her friends says.

Joe and I look at each other and he takes my hand and kisses it. I give him another kiss which makes Gigi role her eyes. We all laugh about her reaction.

"Okay guys I'm going to take shower now. You can hang out her. Snack and drinks are over there. See you afterwards", I say winking at Gigi.

I walk over to my dressing room taking Joe with me.

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