08; Run Away

692 45 1

Please talk some sense

to me


"So, what?"

"What do you mean 'what'?"

Jimin sighs as he closed the book he was reading and looks at Jungkook from where he is sitting with an unreadable expression.

"Seriously Jungkook, what do you want?"

The server looks at him with a disappointed smile, before gesturing to the blonde-haired male who is sitting on the spot at the far corner of the shop.

Yoongi was looking outside of the window, with his earphones on and an Iced Americano infront of him - which Jimin now knows is the older's usual drink.

He was smiling in content as he busies himself from watching the streets; which was now crowded with people, sipping on his coffee every now and then.

Jimin gets what the server wants to know, so he gave him an answer.

"He's comfortable Kook,"

"That's not even an answer hyung,"

Jimin sighs again, "Well what kind of answer do you want?"

Jungkook shuts his mouth and thinks for a second.

"Did you get his number?"

"Why would i even do that?"

"You said you were interested!"

"I did. But that doesn't mean i will go and get his number dumbass!" Jimin exclaimed with a voice higher than he usually use, making some of the costumers glance at them.

Jimin's widens his eyes and looks at the direction of Yoongi. Luckily, the older didn't hear him.

He hear Jungkook snicker, and it takes everything in Jimin to not throw his thick book at him.

"So, you really didn't?" The server asked and Jimin internally groans.

"No Jungkook, i didn't. And Yes, i do not have any intention to do so." He said firmly.

He gapes at Jungkook when the younger just scowls at him,

"You already told me that last time, and guess what? You did get Namjoon-hyung's number!"

Jimin, clearly annoyed, slams his book down on the countertop - making Jungkook flinch.

The maknae then quickly turns into his heels and sprinted away because he knew,

A mad Jimin is a big no no.

Jimin smiles in triumph when the server is now gone from his sight, and opens his book to read again.

He focus on his book for a solid 10 minutes when the sound of the windchimes echoed through, and Jimin lifts his head up and stands up to greet his costumer.

But he doesn't have to because the costumer didn't go directly to the counter. Instead, he was walking toward Yoongi's.

Jimin took a good look at the male and realizes that it was the same person from yesterday.

He still has that same white coat, which he is now wearing on his body instead of it just dangling on his arm.

Jimin couldn't hear what they were 'talking' about but he can see clearly that Yoongi began to look scared - and aggravated.

The barista left his spot in a hurry without a care whether someone will order and sprinted towards the two.

"- you have to, Yoongi. Please?"

"Hello. Is there a problem here?" Jimin asked with a fake smile once he got near.

He glances at Yoongi and the older is now staring at him. There was an evident fear in his eyes as he looks at Jimin pleadingly.

The barista nods his head and turns towards the doctor, who stares at him back.

"Excuse me but, i think you are stressing one of our costumers"

"I'm his doctor," Seokjin simply said.

Jimin nods again, "and he is our costumer. See, here in happy cup we took pride in maintaining our reputation of giving happiness and a calm atmosphere to every one of our costumers so that they will feel relaxed and very comfortable."

Jimin doesn't know where he get that but he doesn't care at that moment because all he cares about is a certain blonde-haired male who looks small.

And cute.

"But you can see, our costumer here isn't feeling that - maybe it's because of you?"

Jimin doesn't want to sound petty, but if it will make the doctor go away then he will.

Even if Hoseok will scold him later.

The doctor, Seokjin, clearly looks very offended as he eyed Jimin from head to toe.

Jimin irked an eyebrow and waited for a petty response from the doctor but was shock when Seokjin's features softens and shot him an apologetic look.

"Sorry. It wasn't my intention to be a bother but Yoongi is skipping his therapies. And as his doctor, i cannot let him skip any further," Seokjin explains.

Jimin actually frowns at that and looks at Yoongi, who is now currently has his head hung low.

Maybe in embarassment?

Jimin squats down at his level and rubs the older's back in a soothing manner,

"Hyung, you've been skipping therapies?"

Yoongi didn't response and continues to look down.

"Hyung," Jimin called again.

The barista knows that Yoongi has to go to therapies because of his condition. He learned about it during his Psychology class when he was still studying in Uni, when he haven't graduated yet.

People with mental illness needs to go to certain therapies in order to get better,

And he hopes that Yoongi realizes that too.

"hyung," he called again for the 3rd time in an attempt to convince Yoongi.

Luckily, the older lifts his gaze up and meets Jimin's; the barista gave him a warm smile.

"It's okay hyung. Everything's going to be okay,"

Yoongi doesn't know why he finds himself trusting Jimin's words easily and completely, but he did anyways so he stood up slowly.

Jimin stood up too, still rubbing Yoongi's back.

"Your doctor is here to take you Hyung, come with him." Jimin said and when he sense that Yoongi is still afraid, he repeated his words from earlier.

''It's okay hyung, it's okay. Nothing bad will happen to you, I promise."

Yoongi's ears perked up at that last word.


Yoongi had heard that word many times before, and that word will only be broken at the end of the day.

He doesn't believe in promises anymore.

But Jimin - something about Jimin made him want to believe again, and he couldn't understand why.

But he did believe in his words that easily, just like how he trusted him before.

He just hopes that Jimin wouldn't break it too.

--- ☪

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