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So i've been on hiatus for a while and now i am back.
And as i said previously, i will post the teaser for the second book, so here you go! (;

"Ok so we got two offers, and i already decided that we should go to the Seattle one since —"

"What's the other offer?"

"That doesn't matter babe, the offer in Seattle is —"

"You said we got two offers. What's the other one — or basically, where?"

"Babe —"



"Why don't we go to Seoul then?"

"Yoongi —"

"Why won't we, Taehyung-ah? What's wrong with Seoul? Isn't that where we came from, in the first place?"

"Y-You don't understand —"

"I really don't."


"I don't understand why, ever since we landed here in France, anything related to Seoul is forbidden to be mentioned. Even the food, Taehyung. Why? What's in Seoul, that you are so afraid of?"

"Hyung —"

"What are you hiding, Taehyung?"


"What is this Jimin-ah? It's been a year already, why not do something for a change?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, maybe help Jungkook run your OWN company?"

"Hobi-hyung .."

"Stop this Jimin, accept it. He will never come back."

"N-No .. I-I know he will.. He loves me!"

"Clearly, yet he chose to leave you. And with Taehyung nonetheless."

"H-Hyung .."

"All i'm saying is, i think a year is enough for you to accept the reality Jimin — that Yoongi may never come back again."

"I-I think you're right .. M-Maybe all i really needed is a wake-up call."


"R-Right .."


"I know it may sounds crazy, but what if i told you that i feel like i know you, that i really know you but couldn't quite say how or why — would you believe me?"

"You don't even have to tell me in order for me to believe."


"Because you do, and i know you too."




"S-Save me ..."

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