Chapter 5

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Kai panicked

"Then why are we just standing here for?! Let's go!"

The other ninja immediately got into their ninja gis and made sure they had their masks on and summoned their dragons as they left the monastery and flew towards Ninjago city.

"I hope nobody got hurt." Kai muttered

"We need to hurry! We might catch the criminal in the act!" Lloyd said in a hurried voice.

Minutes later, they arrived. At the same location of the bakery, there were screams and cries. Then there even some gunshots, the ninja quickly dove down towards the commotion and de summoned their dragons and took out their weapons.

A teenage girl came running towards them. Kai immediately recognized her by her red hair, it was one of the workers, Cheryl.

"Thank goodness you're here, please help !"

"Can you tell us what happened ?" Lloyd asked in calm voice

"Me and Ms. Davis were just baking some cakes and then some masked people came in asking 'where is she'? We didn't know who they talking about and then they started shooting and then they said to give them all the money from the cash register." Said Cheryl quickly

"Are they still there ?" Asked Zane

"One of the other workers who's my friend, Aria came back to help then got me and Ms. Davis to safety ,"

'What?!' Kai panicked even more

"but she's still in there , I heard a gunshot and I don't know if she's alive, please do
something!" Cheryl started crying

"Kai, Zane , Cole and Jay try to get inside and get that worker here safety! " ordered Lloyd,

'If she's even alive .'

Kai ran towards the bakery and the others followed , Lloyd hugged Cheryl.

"Calm down, we'll get your friend back and get to the bottom of this. Nya get Cheryl to that that ambulance, she's in shock." Nya nodded and walked Cheryl to one of the paramedics.

"Hold on, Kai!" Cole grabbed ahold of Kai's sleeve

"Let go! We need to save her ! " Kai snapped

"We need a plan to get in there without getting shot at ." Cole dragged him to the side of the building with Jay and Zane . Zane spoke quietly "I detect other life forms in there, 8 in total. One of them is the worker."

"She's alive ?" Asked Kai

"She injured but she's okay she hiding from them. They're looking for her . There's a way to get in , by the back door ." Zane walked to the back and motioned the others to follow him.

He slowly opened the door and they entered.

"This is the storage room, Aria is hidden in the kitchen. Kai, go get her , Cole, Jay, try to go to the entrance and find a way to get the suspects, I'll try to set a trap for them." Zane whispered .

The fire ninja went to the kitchen and tried to find Aria but the kitchen was huge .

Kai looked through big cabinets but heard voices through the other side of the wall.

"Where is that brat? We might not be able to capture that other girl we were looking for but I'm not leaving without that money and that little brat has the keys to the cash register. Meanwhile, were keeping the police busy as well those ninja. That brat is hiding somewhere we've looked everywhere."

Kai tiptoed away and then and looked behind a pile of boxes and saw a something strange door on the floor, it was an access hatch. Kai opened it and inside was a small room and his eyes widened in disbelief .

Aria laid there her shirt blood stained, her shoulder had a large gash which was covered by a piece of clothing used as a bandage, her eyes closed, her hand extended, which was covered in blood , in her hands were keys.

Kai entered the room and ran towards her and gently shook her

"Aria, are okay?"

Kai put his ear to her chest and heard a heartbeat , he let a huge sigh of relief. He carefully picked her up bridal style and opened the hatch and went towards the exit when he felt something on the back of his head and heard a gun click .

"Easy now, looks like you found that brat first, I know she has the keys, so hand them over, fire ninja."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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