•Let It Out•

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Hi!!! This is my first ever story. Constructive criticism is welcomed!


The day was bleak and boring, Katsuki had a gut feeling that something was going to happen, something bad. It was like a stampede going through is heart, just a feeling. He new that something was bound to go wrong today.

Katsuki's POV.
I felt like shit. More so than usual. I felt like the weather, grey and bleak. Just sad, I guess. I should be used to it at this point, most of my days are spent like this. A mask covering who I am and what I feel. If I tell anyone, they'll think I'm weaker than they already do.
Weak, weak, weak!!
I'm those words spiraling around in my brain in a chant. I know I'm weak. I know it's all my fault. Everything.
I know that if I wasn't so god damn weak!!
Then I wouldn't have gotten kidnapped.
I snapped out of my trance, eyes widening in shock but quick going back to their normal state, half lidded and bored. I blinked a few times and saw Kiri looking at me, eyes filled with worry.
"Oh hey dumb hair."
"My name is Kirishima, and my hair isn't different than yours!!"
"Whatever." I replied.
"Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that we have to write poems today."
"My poems gonna be so manly..." Geez, what am I gonna do with him.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier asshat??!!?"
"Well sorry Bakubro, you looked so tired and peaceful. I didn't want to ruin it."
"Don't call me "Bakubro" and I'm not tired!!" I lied I'm really tired both mentally and figuratively, I wish My brain would shut up!!
"Well, for the poem, I guess you could write down your feelings. That's so manly!!"
I sat back in my seat thinking, Kiri walking back to his desk. Maybe I would be good to write out what I'm feeling. I couldn't hurt to do so, right?
Twenty minutes later.
"Alright problem children. You will start presenting now."
D-did he say presenting?
Nononono. This can't be happening. I'm not ready for this. I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I take a few deep breaths and calm down. My poem was is too personal. I can't. I look up to the front of the classroom Ponytail is up first, obviously. Her poem talks about her insecurities. How can someone so perfect be so insecure about themselves. I'll never understand. When her poem finished Jirou gave her a hug, it was honestly cute. Next up is round face, I shall never be able to pronounce her name. Her's was more concrete , talking about her family's financial problems. I wish I could help her, but I've got my own problems that I need to sort out first.
The damn nerd went after her, in his he mentioned Almight a lot and the bullying he went through in middle school. Everyone's face turned and looked at me with disappoint, Iv'e never liked to be the center of attention, but for the sake of my reputation I let out a growl, they all quickly looked back to the front. Oh thank god, I thought. After Deku, Sharky was next, his poem was just funny, everyone either cracked a smile or laughed but Pikachu being Pikachu started snorting and crying from laughter, the sight almost made me laugh, but I kept a stoic face.
Soon enough It was my turn. I knew I wasn't ready for this.
"Do I have to...?" I asked
"Yes Katsuki, or would you like your grade to go from and A plus to an F?"
I took a deep breath and took my place on the podium. They were all whispering, Mineta, with no shame said;
"It's probably about him being better than the rest of us, self centered asshole." That almost made the dam in my eyes break, I realize that my attitude is the worst but I can't help it it's a horrible habit that I can't seem to break, I'd prefer if it didn't, cause then they'd all see the broken mess I am.
I take a deep breath and start reading voice wavering ever so slightly;
"I wish that time would stop, I wish my thoughts would run away, leaving me, I'd be happy. I wish—I wish I was dead."
A collective gasp sounds in the classroom. I'm in tears by this part, wetness streaming down my face, pain and anguish clearly written on it.
"I wish I could run away to a place where I could be me. They say that suicide is the cowards way out."
The class silently watching him, there eyes all filled with tears with exception being Todoroki and Mineta. Eyes trained on him.
"Well I am a coward. I'm weak, useless and broken into a million pieces, never to be put back together. It's so hard, pretending to be someone I'm not! I wish I could go back and write all my wrongs. I wish and I wish. But it's never going to happen. Never."
When I said the last word I completely broke down, my head down and chocked sobs echoing through the dead silent room.
Then I felt arms around my waist. I turned my head to the side to see Kiri crying into my back his red hair in a small ponytail. I'm then I feel more hands engulf around me, Dek-ZuZu.  Oh how I missed this feeling. Feeling content and fuzzy. Soon enough the rest of the Bakusquad and Todoroki were around me crying, not Todoroki, he had a small frown on his face. I felt tried as my eyes closed I heard them all say, "Katsuki, we love you, don't you ever forget it. You here?"
Then I fell into a peaceful slumber.
Several hours later.
I woke up in the infirmary, my arms were bandaged I looked over to my side and saw Kirishima sleeping, hair a mess and my his hand holding mine. I felt my face heat up, I carefully got up and slid my hand out of his, so I didn't wake him up. Thank goodness, it worked. Then I made my way to my dorm room. Once I got there I headed straight for the bathroom. My skin looked pale like porcelain and my hair grew a little bit over a few months and I hadn't bothered to get it cut so It was slightly curly seeing as I hadn't spiked it up yet.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Who is it?" I asked
"It's me, Kirishima."
Oh, he must be here to check on me.
"You can come in."
I washed my face and left my hair alone, it's whatever, I thought. I grabbed a random shirt and jeans out of my closet and went back into the bathroom. Kirishima walked in as soon as I went in, the idiot must've forgotten how to open a door. As soon as I went to put on my shirt I realized it was my cropped turtleneck sweater, a pastel red with the word boom written in yellow bubble letters on it and the pants that I brought were normal, for me at least, high-waisted black ripped jeans. Oh well I thought, I'm gonna try and be me and what better time to start than now? The school uniform was always baggy on me because of my feminine figure, my face didn't make it much better. When I was younger I was always mistaken for a girl.
I walked out of the bathroom, feeling Kiri's eyes on me.
"Bakubro. I never pegged you for the femme type. It's cute, manly, w-well I guess not manly or y-yes m-manly..." He trailed off.
I giggled, my cheeks turned a bright red and the tips of my ears too. His eyes widened and his moth opens in awe.
"I didn't know that sound could come out of your mouth..."
"Shut up, boke."I barked.
Kiri laughed.
"I have to tell you something Bak-Katsuki..."
My eyes widen in surprise at the use of my first name.
"I-I love you."
I was in shock.
"It's ok if you d-don't like me back. I know you're going through stuff and a boyfriend is the last thing you need. But remember I'm always here for you now matter what and I—" I cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.
"Does that answer you're question?" I said softly.
"Woah, you're lips are soft and yes."
"Katsuki Bakugo, will you go out with me?"
"Yes. I love you too."
"I'll always be here for you too, just know that."
"Kat? Can I call you Kat?"
"Yes Ei you can call me that."
"If you ever need to talk just come to me and
let it out."

-Weeb Out 🌈

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