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kaitlyn: ight lets go my slimes 🖇🍃.
{r e a l i t y }
after your "reunion" that was about for 2 minutes of arguing you guys finally went in the car vibin to music that was blasting loud.

[20 minutes later ]
after blasting music in the car we finally reached starbucks. we got our drinks and paid. as we start to head out and go to the car hazel came up with a idea.
{ back to r e a l i t y }
hazel : wait guys were going to be bored as hell in that house so how about let's chill in the mall.
kevin :yessirr iv'e been waiting 😭.
kaitlyn : ight lets go then. i say as i take a sip of my frappe.
as we always do we started to blast music in the car. after all the shouting you all reach to the mall and started to walk towards the entrance. as we reach into the mall we start to walk towards foot locker since kevin wanted to go . after all the looking around all three of you find 2 peers of sneakers you liked.
this is what hazel got :

——————————————————this is what hazel got :

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and also this 🍃🥀

this is what kaitlyn got :

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this is what kaitlyn got :

this is what kaitlyn got :

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these too✨🖇

this is what kevin got :

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this is what kevin got :

this is what kevin got :

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these too🧪🖤

____________________________________[ kaitlyn p

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[ kaitlyn p.o.v]
as we took of the sneakers we liked and went up too pay for them as i walk up to the door waiting for hazel and kevin to finish paying i see 2 curly hair boys come inside at the same time. as always you started to walk fast to hazel as you said
kaitlyn: did u see those 2 that just past by me.
hazel: yeahh i really thought nobody noticed also the second one is definitely mine.
kaitlyn: oh well he's not even that cute anyway.
kevin: what y'all talking about.
hazel: nothing nosey. she says as she takes a sip of her drink that's half way finished
kaitlyn: *laugh* im weak y'all always like this. you say as you walked towards the chair on the right of them until when you were walking you accidentally bumped into someone which made my frappe fall.
[ end of kaitlyn p.o.v ]
???: oh my ba-
kaitlyn: it's ok it was me sorry
???: no it was me i wasn't watching were i was going so it's my fault.
???: also im sorry about your drink by the  way and my name is vallyk.
kaitlyn: kaitlyn nice to meet you vallyk. you said with a small smile on your face.
vallyk: do u want me to buy your drink for u i kind of feel bad .
kaitlyn: no it's ok it's not all that anyway.
vallyk: ight well nice meeting you though.
as we stop talking you realize that the other boy that u saw and hazel were already talking while kevin is just on his phone waiting for us to leave. so u just walk towards them waiting for hazel. when all that was done we started to leave and say goodbye to each other. when you guys went into the car u guys still blasted music and one at a time we all were dropped of .
when hazel dropped u off last we said goodbye and I made my way to the front door of my house. as i walked i finally made way to my door and fell right on my bed as i slowly went to sleep.
okiiee that's it probably i'll again but i hope u guys enjoyed that anddd byeee ✨🧡.

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