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C H A P T E R : F I V E

{ a u t h o r || p . o . v }
hi guys so basically i haven't been posting lately actually like about 4 or something weeks soo i hope u guys enjoyy 💘🌖.
when u pull the door you finally see...
vallyk scrolling through his phone. you went in and started to walk over with hazel and kevin who were talking. as u continue walking u see a girl with curly hair wearing ripped jeans and a graphic tee run up to vallyk hugging him. u were frozen at the point were vallyk realized that u were there.
( v a l l y k || p . o . v )
i was scrolling through instagram waiting for kaitlyn to come as i feel a pair of arms folded on me as i turn over i see my friend devenity smiling at me asking if i could buy her food but as i look back at my phone ignoring the question she ask i see that someone was in front of me... as i look up from my phone i see kaitlyn standing there frozen staring at me.
( end of vallyk p.o.v )
vallyk: umm hey kaitlyn i-. vallyk tries to say as kaitlyn cuts him off.
kaitlyn: oh yay um hey vallyk i really didn't see anything and im hoping that i didn't interrupt anything. u say as u looked over to the girl that hugged vallyk.
vallyk: stop playin it's nothing like that ight so chill. vallyk said with a cold tone.
kaitlyn: ok so bye then. u said to vallyk while walking to hazel who was already talking to derek.
u told hazel what happened with u and vallyk just now but it wasn't that serious though so u go to one of the chairs by the games just to go on your phone. as u sat down finding something to do on your phone u hear someone trying to talk to u. u look up to see a boy with curls and braces with a blue nike shirt with a grey hoodie saying....
unknown: hey u ight
kaitlyn: umm yay and who are u. u ask with a confused face.
unknown: oh my fault im one of vallyks friends and my name is mike.
kaitlyn: ok hii. u said with a small smile on your face.
mike: soo um basically i just came over here cause i was wondering if we could be friends.
kaitlyn: well umm ight. u said as mike comes to sit next to u.

as u and mike were talking and starting to get to know each other u see that vallyk was staring at you both. u try to ignore but as u turned away u feel that mike grabbed your hand.
mike: so do u wanna go by the others. mike asked looking over at me.
kaitlyn: kk lets go. u said with a smile.

when u guys started to walk over u hear derek shout that we were going to watch mulan. u let go mikes hand and walk to towards the movie booth.
as u guys walk into the booth u started to go to your seats. the seat order was derek|hazel|kevin|devenity|vallyk|you|mike.
{ 3 0 m i n u t e s : into the movie }
you guys been watching the movie and eating your snacks for about 30 minutes now. u look at mike who was looking at u and ask if u can wear his hoodie since it was getting cold still. while he gives u the sweater u see in the corner of your eye that vallyk was staring at u guys. he looked different he wasn't himself when he was happy he look jealous and upset. u tried to stop looking at him so u continue watching the movie until u feel someone put their hand on your thigh. it was mike who was just smiling at me. which made vallyk push out of his seat and saying that he has to use the bathroom. u look at him while he's leaving the booth u decided to go to so u said that u had to use the bathroom also. u run after vallyk trying to catch him from doing something stupid. u shouted out his name but he didn't respond . u tried again and shouted out his name but he answered this time.
vallyk: what do u want kaitlyn ? he said with a cold stare.
kaitlyn: what the hell is up with u today? u said while trying to hold back your feelings.
vallyk: what up with me... wtf is up with u and mike? he said while screaming at me.
you just stared at him cause u never heard vallyk like this.
kaitlyn: i- it's nothing u don't have to be like this right now like your just doing to much. u said while he stared at u angrily.
vallyk: wow i never thought u was like this ok but now i know. he said while walking towards the exit.
after you and vallyk's argument u decided to walk back to the movie booth. u tried to wipe of your tears from the argument to not make anyone notice. everyone saw me but not vallyk so they were all confused. as u reach were u guys were sitting hazel ask were vallyk was and u said that he wasn't feeling good so he just leaved. u went by your seat and continued to watching the movie with everyone else.
{ t h i r t y : m i n u t e s }
the movie ended and u felt like calling vallyk but u didn't want the situation to be worse. as u guys were leaving u felt someone staring at u and it was devenity. she looked upset for some reason but i didn't mind. so u started to just talk to kevin. when u all was outside we all said goodbye. hazel and derek were just hugging each other nonstop while me, kevin, mike, and devenity were just staring at them.
as u tried to get into the car someone dragged me into a hug and it was mike he said that he had a great time with me while smiling. i just told that i had a great time while smiling also. when u both release from the hug everyone went into their car and said bye again.
a u t h o r || p. o. v.
im srry if this is long but imma just time skip cause im lazy at this point 😭.

as hazel drops of kevin to his house i was last so we just we're listening to music at that point until she reaches my house which is 20 minutes away. hazel drops u off and said bye and left. u pulled out your keys and walked into the kitchen and no sign of your brother jabez so u went upstairs to your room.
u flop on your bed and just went scrolling on instagram as always until u see...

okkkiee im donee well if this was good and all plsss vote and pls comment suggestions of what should i write for the next chapter kk byee stay safe 💞🧩.

1202 words written
written by: savvy:trendzz
hope u liked it 💘.

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