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THE CAPTAIN   the captain of all
the sports teams (not including the
female   teams)    that    is    leading
diverse  teams   of   girls  and  boys.
everyone thinks he is an ass but he
is actually very sweet.  he  believes
in equality passionately.   TAKEN

THE ASSHOLE  a huge bully who
thinks  very highly  of  himself.  was
beaten by a girl. he has been known
to  beat  up the  nerd  a lot  and  call
him several names. he is the biggest
asshole  on   campus   who  fumbles
on many plays during football. he is
probably  the   worst   person  you'll
come across at g. w. high. he beats
anyone who looks at the dumb
cheerleader up since her likes her
and has claimed her as his.     OPEN

best baseball player under the cap.
in fact, he is the captain's right
hand man in strategies. he is also
his best friend. he is in love with
the girl he got pregnant and fully
plans to accept the responsibility
of being a father. his family isn't
for his plan though and is very
upset at him and his girlfriend.
he is a big teddy bear. baseballed

THE FEMINIST she tried out for the
football team to prove girls can do what
boys can do. however, she secretly didn't
think she would make the team. she is
very close to the captain and knows that
he wants equality for all. she actually
admired him for it, too. one may say she
has quite the crush on him. FEMTASTICS

THE BEST FRIEND she tied out for
football in a way to support her best
friend. she is the feminist's best friend.
she is also a feminist but not on the
same level as her best friend. EQUALRIGHTS-


bitch. she wants to football captain for
status, not love. she is incredibly cruel
to her team. well except for the dumb
one and the follower. she's nice to them.
in fact, they're the only ones she
considers friends at g.w. high. headbitching

THE DUMB ONE is the sweetest girl
you'll meet. she has a crush on the school
nerd. she actually always tries to get him
attend games but never sees him there.
she doesn't understand much of anything
but not because she doesn't want to. she
hates when the asshole bullies the nerd.
she also knows her best friend hates him
but she can't help but think he is adorable.
she is amazing at all the flips which makes
the cheerleader captain jealous. nicestcheers

THE FOLLOWER she just wants to be
like her older sister. her older sister is the
cheerleader captain. she is mean to many,
but hates being mean. she is secretly quite
nerdy and loves science. she is too smart
for her own good though. she isn't that
great at cheerleader but definitely gives it
her all during football games. she is also
a secret lesbian who is crushing on the bad
girl. cheerssister


THE NERD is basically a teddy bear. he
is sweet, quiet, and super smart. he has a
crush on the dumb cheerleader, being as
she is nice to him and actually wants to talk
to him. he is completely oblivious to the fact
she likes him though. he always makes extra
notes for her. the asshole is really protective
over her so sometimes he gets pushed away
as soon as he approaches her. notbillnyes

THE GOTH he is super 'meh' and doesn't
really care about anything. he is quiet and
no one really talks to him. however, it is why
he and the nerd get along quite nicely. he
does have a heart though and a secret love
for kittens. he rescues them and will never
admit it if he was caught. edgyheartt

THE BAD GIRL she is never in dress
code and doesn't care about school. she
gets all a's for doing nothing. she is quite
the rule breaker and is always in after—
school detention. is always super
sarcastic. she is kind in secret. badbabys

THE CLASS CLOWN     he is always
making everyone laugh and being loud.
which, by the way, is actually annoying.
he makes fun of everyone and is pretty
rude. not many actually like him.   @

pregnant with the baseball player's
kid. she is very kind and is always
very sweet. she wants everyone to
be happy. she knows her boyfriend's
family doesn't like her, which worries
her for him.               teenprcgnancy

THE BAND KID   he is a trumpet player
who is apart of a cult. the cult being band.
he is loud and funny. he likes make people
laugh. he is very musically in tune with the
world around him. he loves what he does.
he is first chair in his section.        OPEN

THE NEW GIRL a foreign exchange student
who is moved to the small town in texas just to
attend a school called george washington high.
she is sweet and kind, as well. she has a crush on
the rebel who is much like the bad girl. secretivenew

THE REBEL he is sweet and calm. he speaks
his mind freely but passionately. he is an unintentional rule breaker. he just wants to be
heard. he is not what everyone thinks of him.

THE PREP BOY he is rich but actually
very kind. he is considered 'perfect' but
would prefer to be 'regular'. teenprep

— from different group 2016-2019
THE PREP GIRL preppedup

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