Chapter 4: Apologize.

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Joy's POV

"B--Baekhyun?!" I asked into the phone. 

"Meet me at the same place. Now." He didn't answer the question...

'Same place?' I thought for a second. "Bubble Tea Shop!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

"Is everything alright dear?" My mom asked from the kitchen.

"Yes mom! Everythings' great" I shouted to my mom and head off.


"Baekhyun?" I expected the mask and the bandana, but this time it is the glamorous, famous super-star look. Of course he had fangirls all around him since he's not wearing a disguise. 

"Joy!" He smiled and the fangirls glared at me. 

"Who is she?!" "Baekhyun should be with me!" "What?Do they know each other?" Dont they watch the news?

Baekhyun chuckled "Joy, lets' go somewhere more, PRIVATE..." He looked at the fangirls when he said Private. The fangirls stormed out of the Bubble tea Shop and Baekhyun had booked the whole place so no one could interfere with our "meet up". Silly but sweet... :)

"Wow, you really booked the whole Bubble Tea Shop?!" I awed at his kindness.

"Yep." He ruffled my hair. "I missed you Joy. I really did."

"I missed you too Baekhyun." I smiled. "So..."

"Hmm?" He asked as he was drinking his Bubble Tea.

"Nothing..." It was nothing important... X3 

"Joy," He stopped drinking, his voice became really serious. "I'm sorry for these 2 years...Not being by your side..."

"Baekhyun..." I coed 

"No, wait," Baekhyun shushed me "Look, I wasn't there for those 2 years but now, its different. I know you can never forgive me. I just want you to know that I... I love you, Joy. Even if you don't love me back. And, I was wondering, if we could start over?" He grabbed my hand. The feels~ <3

"Baekhyun..." I was shocked. " I... forgive you."

"You what?!" He looked up at me and spilt his drink all over me.Baekhyun suddenly returned to his own self, the clumsy, funny, silly, loud Bacon I know.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! I really ruined the moment didn't I?" Baekhyun quickly rubs the drink off my hair. I wasn't angry, I was laughing hystarically.

"Yes, yes you did." I kept laughing.

"Haha! Really funny, huh?!" Baekhyun sprayed the icing on top of my head. "Who's laughing now?!"

"Oh yeah?" I asked as I poured my milk tea on his head. He didn't laugh back... 'Uh oh...'

"This is real leather, Joy!" Apperantly the milk tea had gone into his leather jacket. '...'

"Uh... I'm so sorry, Baekhyun..." I quickly got the towels to wipe it clean. Then I heard noises coming from him. "Baekhyun?"

When I looked up to see his face. He poured the remains of his drink into my hair. "Cherry on top!" He sang as he put a cherry on my "Head-sundae".

"Aish! You didn't learn a thing after 2 years, Jagiya!" He laughed then he realized what name he called me.

"Did you, just call me Jagiya?" I questioned him. Giving him the stink-eye.

"Heh," He stammered "More ice-cream, Joy?" He scooped up a handful of ice-cream that was dropped on the floor when we had a food fight.

"No thanks, Jagiya~!" I smiled, he gave me the "YOU JUST CALLED ME JAGIYA" look. I winked at him, I did that on purpose so I could... "PIE ATTACK!" I took a pie from the pastry corner and flung it at him.


"Wasn't that fun Jagiya?" I asked accidentally. "Oops, I mean Baekhyun?"

"Hey," Using his finger,he scraped a little of the icing in my hair and ate it. Gros but cute... "You can call me Jagiya. On one condition~"

"And what is that?" I asked him sarcastically.

"We get back together." He smiled at me. I stared at him blankly, Is he serious?!

"So?" He asked me "Hello! Earth to Joy..." He waved his hand at my face which was frozen with mixed feelings. 

'He was serious... :o '

"It's a deal!" I laughed, after all who wouldn't want to date the boy of EXO?

"Let's get you back home, Jagiya!" He stood up and gave me his hand.

"Okay, Jagiya..." I took his hand and we went back home, full of frosty ice cold berverages and pastries in our hair and all over our body. It was a perfect date, More or less...

A/N: Aww... Romantic Chapter~~! I'm already thinking of ideas on the next chapter. (YES I DON'T ALREADY HAVE THE FULL STORY, I WRITE WHAT I THINK OF... That explains a lot doesn't it?) Anyway, Hope you liked this~! Don't worry, the story is far from over. I guess, I haven't thought of how it ends yet... :D 

And It's almost Christmas! So Merry Christmas!!

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