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A fall from grace can be quite sudden.

Leafy regrets a lot of what she's done. Kindness was what she believed, kindness is what she wanted.

The rain outside is deafening, but it does little to interrupt her thoughts of self-loathing.

But she submitted to selfishness for one minute, and bought Dream Island. To make it better, she wanted to share it.

No time for excuses now.

"No one likes you anymore!" The voice still bounces around in her head. "So how could I still like you..."

It was true. No matter how much she tried to help people win what they wanted. No matter how much she supported someone. No matter how much she loved someone, a mistake can make everyone you've ever known turn their back on you.

It can make everyone stop caring about you.

That's the painful part.

It can make the one person you want attention from shun you in front of everyone. Leafy looked at her text message history with Firey. Almost no responses, almost always left on read. Every message she sends without a response makes her regret sending him a message in the first place.

She pulled off the orange hoodie she was wearing and traced it's seams.

Firey's hoodie.

After he abandoned her, she waited to see if he'd ask for the hoodie back.

When he didn't, she decided to keep it, instead of offering to give it back. Just so she could be selfish one more time.

.When she saw him one day with a new orange hoodie, that's what compelled her to wear it herself.

She brought the hoodie up to her nose and took a sniff. It still smelled like him. Her body heat had made it warm enough to make it feel like he was still close to her.

She shook her head. No time for delusion today.

The green haired girl carefully folded up the hoodie and carefully placed it into the empty drawer she kept it in. The drawer that used to be Firey's drawer.

He doesn't stay over anymore. She shut the drawer. The rain had been reduced to a light sprinkling. She was late, but maybe she'd still be able to get a cup of coffee before heading to work.

She chuckled broodingly.

She pulled a mint green coat out of her closet and pulled it over her shoulders. It was time to head to the library. She may have a lot of book organizing to do today.

Put on a smile. Go outside. Act like everything is okay.

Leafy grabbed her keys, opened the door to her apartment and smiled at Pin. The redhead happened to be exiting her residence as well. "Hi Pin, my old friend!"

She pretended not to notice the look of disgust as she locked the door to her apartment.

alight. : a fireafy ficWhere stories live. Discover now