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"they're not that bad, i promise. and besides, even if you don't enjoy their music, you can't deny the fact that adam is a cutie." my best friend, kelsey, said as we pulled into the crowded venue, searching for an empty spot.

kelsey had been obsessed with this homeschool band she'd found on tiktok a few weeks ago. more specifically, she was obsessed with adam, the guitarist for the group. many people were, actually, but i never understood the hype behind him. he was nothing more than an average white boy who wore beanies and occasionally rode a longboard.

i didn't even want to go to this concert, but kelsey had been looking forward to it for weeks. and me, being the good friend i was, went along with her.

"adam's overrated, and their music isn't even that good." i scoffed.

"overrated? have you seen his biceps? he could choke me anytime."

"isn't he 17?"

"doesn't matter. age is just a number when it comes to one of the finest men in the world."

i rolled my eyes as kelsey parked the car, her grin wider than ever. "I just don't understand the hype. he's a musician, it's not like he's going to see your face in the crowd and fall in love with you."

"don't be such a downer, mira." she exited the car and I followed as we approached the large building. "you do have your ticket, right?"

"unfortunately." I held up the flimsy sheet of paper, as the two of us walked through security and into the venue. to my surprise, there was hundreds of people here, all waiting for this band that I found rather embarrassing. kelsey grabbed my hand as we pushed through the crowd of people. "stop tugging me!"

"I want to get to the front!" I found her excitement rather entertaining, although it barely made any sense to me. obsessing over a celebrity, if you could even call them that, who would never even know your name? it just seemed like a waste of time to me.

we finally made our way to the front, the dark stage in front of us. suddenly, the lights flickered on, and five people walked onto the stage, the crowd roaring around me, kelsey's screams echoing into my ear. a sixth member walked on as well, his hazel eyes locking with mine.

"who's that?" I asked, as I gazed up at the tall man in front of me. his hair was dark, and he had a jawline unlike any other.

"who's who?"

"the tall one. in front of the keyboard."

"that's just george." she said nonchalantly, as the beat of the drum began.

just george? he was a piece of art. why had she never mentioned him before? his eyes were soft, and kind, and he had a huge grin on his face as his fingers pressed against the keys, the music heaven to my ears. I'd only seen him for a few seconds, but his presence was captivating to me.

"we were too young to know we had everything." the girl in the front began to sing, kelsey screaming along to every word. I hummed along to the beat, my eyes never leaving george.

a few songs passed, and if I was being honest, their music truly wasn't as bad as I expected. they seemed to have a good flow, although they could've used some work. george and I continued to lock eyes, and I think I saw him blush once or twice, although I could've been wrong.

what the hell had I turned into? only half an hour ago, I was criticizing kelsey for being so obsessed with adam, and now I was obsessed with his brother? this was pathetic of me, but I couldn't help staring at the greek god in front of me.

"hey, you in the front!" george called out as the music came to a stop. was he talking to me? he seemed to be, but there were hundreds of people here, it could've been directed to anyone. "you're absolutely ethnic and beautiful!"

"me?" I mouthed, tucking my hair behind my ear. "no-"

before he could even respond, the music started back up again, louder than before. a few more songs were played before the show came to a close, tears in kelsey's eyes as the siblings left the stage.

"that was amazing!" she screamed out, embracing me in a hug as people began to leave the crowded venue. "oh my god! did you see adam? the way he strung that guitar? oh my god, i think i'm in love!"

i could say the same about george. i know this sounds crazy, but in the hour or so that i had watched him perform, i'd fallen in love with his antics, and the way his innocent smile widened when his eyes roamed across me. i couldn't leave yet, not without at least talking to him. i needed to meet him, and from his words, maybe he wanted to meet me too.

"hey, kels, i'm gonna head to the bathroom, i'll meet you in the car." i said softly as she nodded, heading back out to the parking lot, tears streaming down her face from excitement.

i searched around the venue, looking for a dressing room, or maybe a tour bus of sorts. i didn't have much time before kelsey would become concerned with my whereabouts, but i wasn't going to tell her that i had completely fallen head over heels for a guy in under an hour. she'd just tease me, as i'd been teasing her for the last few weeks.

i might've been a little hypocritical, but it didn't matter. i ventured into the back of the venue, a series of doors visible. i attempted to open one, but it was no use, it was locked.

i tried a few more, but they were mostly storage closets, or staircases. there was only one door left, in the back of the hall. was this the one?

i pulled open the door slightly, a tall figure present in the back of the room. was it george?

"i can't believe i didn't even get the name of that mixed, chocolate vanilla swirl, caramel goddess." he said to himself as i bit my lip. that had to be me, right? he turned around, his wide eyes resting upon me.

"hey." i said softly, crossing my arm. he was much more attractive close up, although he seemed to be exhausted. "i'm glad i found you."

"i'm glad as well." he said softly. he seemed to be nervous, as was i. "i'm george."


"mira. what a beautiful name." he bit his lip. he was much taller in person, but he was also so much more handsome. the light seemed to be hitting him in all the right places, his toned chest clinging to his white shirt. "you're be-"

he was cut off by the back door to the room opening, adam bursting into the room.

"c'mon, dude. we have to get going." adam said, rolling his eyes. "you're holding up the bus, and the rest of us want to go get mcdonalds."

george looked at me, his eyes glistening, then back at adam.

"alright." he said, picking up his bag from the floor. "it was nice to meet you, mira."

"you as well." i took one last glance as he approached his brother, exiting the dark room.

"wait." i said softly, as george turned his head to look back at me. "i'll see you again, right?"

"of course." he winked, before exiting the room, leaving me alone, but fully captivated by the keyboardist.

falling for the keyboardist (a mirapants x george jones of sm6 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now