Chapter Eleven - Can't Believe the Words

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Chapter Eleven – Can’t Believe the Words


I can’t believe the words came out of your mouth.


Victoria wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt as she waited nervously for the interviewer to call them on. This was ridiculous. She never got stage fright. It’s absolutely stupid, but that didn’t stop the butterflies from romping around in her stomach. This wasn’t just any old high school musical or oral report in front of the class. This was her performing on the stage of her life, and most of the world would be watching.

“I think I’m going to hurl.” She said, moaning and holding her stomach.

To her surprise, Liam turned to her and asked, “Hurl?”

“Barf?” Victoria asked to blank stares. “Puke? Vomit?” Louis chuckled at her nervousness.

“Well if you do, aim away from the stage. Wouldn’t want you to slip and fall in your own vomit.” He teased mercilessly. If it was even possible, Victoria’s tan skin paled until you couldn’t even tell that she was Filipino anymore.

Before anything could happen, Harry went over, slung his arm over her shoulders, and squeezed her. “Don’t worry, Vic. You look hot, you’re smart enough not to do anything too embarrassing, and I’m here. I won’t let you slide in a puddle of your vomit.” Grinning, he flashed his straight, white teeth at her shaking frame. “Don’t worry. Anything happens, we’ll have a stellar story to tell down the line.”

Liam sarcastically nodded his head at her, locking eyes, “Oh yeah. The worst thing that could happen is that you get booted off the band.”

Victoria looked like she was absolutely going to pass out, and Harry held onto her tighter. If it was possible for Liam’s to scowl any harder, his face would cave in on itself. Niall frowned at him asking him with his eyes why the hell he would say something so tactless. Liam just shrugged, and Louis chuckled next to him. Louis tolerated Victoria now, but he still didn’t like her.

The worst though was when Liam met Zayn’s eyes. Zayn was just smirking at him as if he knew some great secret. Grinning toothily, Zayn went over to Victoria to soothingly rub her back, before planting a kiss on her cheek, just to gauge Liam’s reaction.

To his credit, his visceral reactions were almost none, and his face slipped into a mask of aloofness. But Zayn could see the fire blazing brighter in his eyes and smiled to himself. Boy, was that bloke thick. Zayn just hoped Liam would come to his senses before anything too major happened with Victoria. Like her finding a boyfriend.

All of a sudden, they heard, “And now, with four platinum albums, and a #1 debut album right here in America. It’s One Direction!”

Victoria kissed anonymity goodbye as she stepped onto the stage. The reaction was unique. There was a small studio audience made solely of directioners. They clapped loudly when the boys entered, but when Victoria took up the rear, there was a stunned moment of silence before the applause continued.

“Boys, and lady, please introduce yourselves.” The interviewer, Tyson, said. He was informed that One Direction now included a girl, but he thought it was a joke. Clearly, from this young lady standing in front of him, it was anything but.

“I’m Liam.”

“I’m Harry.”


“I’m Zayn.”

“I’m Niall.”

“I-I’m Victoria.” She stuttered nervously, and Harry found her hand right away, reassuring her that he was there, that they were there, and she didn’t have anything to worry about. She had three boys who would catch her in a heartbeat.

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