Chapter 8: Tango of Death

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A/N: Happy Friday, everyone! Little bit late but I've had a busy evening :P Anyway, here's chapter 8, one of my much anticipated scenes of the prequel, no joke XD Hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for reading, as always <3

Note: Listen to the song above during this chapter ;) You won't regret it!

Chapter 8: Tango of Death

   "I didn't agree to this," I grumbled, weakly pushing at Henri's grip on my arm. His hold wasn't too tight, but I still felt uncomfortable under those dark vampire eyes. I hated the helplessness I'd gotten in response to facing Oliver, and that feeling had yet to go away completely. Henri's desire to dance with me – a mere human – threw me off big time.

   The vampire was gently tugging me toward the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by the undead. I could no longer see the hunters in black, and that worried me. What if Henri...

   "You don't remember? You were the one who asked me to dance," Henri reasoned with a sly smirk; one that replaced the unease with the anger within me. "I wasn't willing," I protested tightly. "I know you compel-"

   "Yes, now stop dwelling on that and come here," the raven-haired vamp snapped, his other hand reaching my waist. The grip on my arm shifted to my hand, squeezing lightly.

   I didn't like this new position, held by my enemy in a sea of possibly bigger enemies. I was the only human allowed on the dance floor, it seemed. Swallowing tightly, I tried to relax in Henri's arms. I'd never been this close to a vampire who wasn't trying to compel or kill me. According to Henri's dark pits of eyes, he'd already fed tonight.

   That didn't exactly reassure me, though.

   No, of course not.

   There was always the possibility that Henri was merely faking it in order to get me alone and hesitant. At this range, he could easily bite me, if not for the fact we were in public.

   A low whistle filled my ears, and I hesitantly looked up. "You don't look half bad for a hunter who faced Oliver Blackwell and lived to tell a soul." Was that supposed to be a compliment on his behalf? I frowned. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not a hunter."

   "Which is irrelevant and you know it." Henri's voice had turned sharp like a knife. "Anyone summoned by Oliver usually can't say they got away unscathed." Tightening his grip slightly, he continued on. "Since you don't seem to be injured, I take it he didn't try to-"

   "No," I cut him off harshly, my frown morphing into a scowl. "Now drop it."

   "Fine." Silence, then: "Can I ask you something else?" Sure, why not? It's not like the music has started yet... "Did you always have that dress?" A secretive – almost flirtatious – smile spread across the vampire's face. "It looks amazing on you."

   I felt heat enter my cheeks as chagrin surfaced against my will. Suddenly unsure, I tried to pull out of the vampire's arms.

   No such luck...

   I let out a small whimper as Henri gave my trapped hand a warning squeeze. "What did Oliver want?"

   "Hell if I know," I admitted with a groan. "He had me under this thrall the entire time."

   "Hmm," was all that came from the vampire before a soft violin rose from the small chatter that had filled the ballroom.

   The music...

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