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Merry Christmas! I told all of my loyal fans that I would have a little special something for them, and here it is! I've been working on this piece for like the last five hours, so I really hope you all like it. Give me feed back, and click for a vote if you really love it.

I know this may not be what some of you were expecting, but new year menas new things. For fellow readers, Carefully Crazy is on hold indefinitely mainly becoause I'm re-editing Silently Sceraming and want the two stories to flow better. 

The Happiness Project is still a project of mine that I plan to work on, I have a lot of ambition for that story.

I also have a lot of excitement for this story. Now, it would be wrong of me to not give credit where credit is due, so the prompt that inspired this whole thing was:

One morning, you wake up unable to recognize your surroundings or people you're with. Write about what happens from the moment you wake up.

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