Chapter 71

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Epilogue, pt. 3

Ten years later...

Later, during dinner...

"That was a great meal, mom," Micah said, sitting back to pat his stomach. "Yeah, mama." Maddy agreed then smiled before drinking her juice. "Thank you And thank you, Kal for the gifts. I can't wait to use them at work." She then said quietly to her brother, watching him smile as he looked down. It was his way of saying she was welcome.  Maddy sat back and watched her brothers and sisters get animated around the big dining room table. She then looked to see her mom and dad, moving closer together to sneak a few kisses. 

Her mind began to flashback again as she remembered when she first called Tyler her daddy in front of those women at the school parking lot. And when Tyler adopted her and Kaleb. Meeting Grandma Alyssa. Her mom falling in love with her dad. He being so patient with Kaleb throughout the years. Her parents adopting Micah, Morgan, and Mackenzie. And having some babies in between. 

Then there was when she was kidnapped and put in that awful place. She never told them, but she was glad to have experienced that horrible time. She learned to be stronger and even though she was so young, she learned to have faith. And it also showed her how much Tyler really and truly loved her.

He fought anything, everything, and everyone to get to her. And he didn't rest until he knew she was healthy inside and out. She remembered that it took a good two years to not wake up in the middle of the night and not see her daddy and mama sitting in her room. They spent restless nights watching over her and Sunny. 

Sunny. She was the other reason. To think of what could have happened to her hurts her heart. She was her kindred spirit and still is. That little girl got her through that time. She was something to focus on. To have hope. And she begged her daddy not to leave her. That she was the only mama she had left. Well now, there are two. And she is so glad that her mom and dad and siblings took to her quickly.

"Maddy? Maddison? Maddison Daisy Sumner?" A voice called to her. " Maddy shook her head as she focused on the person talking to her. She looked to see that her mom and dad were standing there worried. "Are you okay, baby?" Rachael asked Maddy who stood from her seat. "I'm just fine, mama. I was thinking about how great life is." She truthfully told both of her parents. "I have my family. Extended and immediate. I'm healthy.  Full of good feelings. And I have you two." Maddy said as she placed a hand on each of their faces.

"Daddy, can I start work tomorrow?" She asked Tyler, removing her hands from their cheeks.  "Sure, sweetie. I have to open up early. I'll wake you up." He said before she leaned in to kiss them both before walking away. "Okay. Night, Daddy. Night, Mama. I love you both." Tyler linked an arm around Rachael's waist while they watched their eldest child head up to her bedroom. 

"Our daughter is an Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, and just got her graduate degree in Speech Therapy. All the money I made modeling and acting, means none of us or our children have to work." Tyler boasted to his wife. "But she wants to work at my small chain of successful outpatient/inpatient therapy centers. And she can't wait to work with her old man." Tyler stated as he felt his chest tighten with pride. "Like father, like daughter," Rachael said and smiled as she felt him give her a side squeeze. "Come on, baby let's go to bed." He told his wife before leading her to their bedroom.

The husband and wife were refreshed and in their bedclothes as the entire house was peacefully quiet. "Do you hear that?" Tyler asked Rachael as she slid in bed next to him. "Hear what?" She said as he nodded above. "Quiet." He told her softly. "You would never know we have twelve kids in this house. One, which is an adult and several tweens, several teens, and our youngest in elementary school." 

Rachael snuggled close to her husband and nodded. "True." She began to say. "But Maddy is right. We have a great family, extended family in Bette, the girls, their spouses, and their kids. And we have Todd and your mom, Edward and  Adeline, Mary and her family,  Jennifer, and her family. We all have good health and we're happy. Life is so good, baby." Rachael reminding him by listing all they achieved plus having their extended and immediate family. 

Tyler grinned and moved to hover over her. He looked down at her and agreed. "Yes, very good. In fact, it's great. So great, I think we should celebrate." He told her.  "I do, too.  But  first, I have some news, Tyler." Rachael spoke in a serious tone. Ty, I'm pregnant." Rachael said staring into his blue eyes. Tyler looked at her, not saying anything as the shock took over him. "What? Really?" He said in disbelief while watching her straight face spread into a grin. "Gotcha!" She told him before laughing hard. Tyler made a face at his wife and started to move away from her. "I can't believe you, Rae." He said, pouting.

Rachael laughed and sat up so she could look at her husband. "You can't believe me?"She told him. "I can't believe you fell for that when you know that I began my new birth control shot two years ago. No more babies." She reminded him and chuckled again. " Well, weirder things have happened," Tyler spoke and pouted some more, folding his muscular arms. "Aww, baby." She said calming down to turn his face towards hers. "I'm sorry Ty. How can I make it up to you?" Rachael asked.

 "I don't know." He mumbled. "Tyler, I'd do anything," Rachael said as he started to grin. He moved over her again and softly pinned her down. "I have a list, so get ready." He told her in a gruff tone.  He pulled her pajama pants off then took off her underwear. He opened her legs before she whispered loudly. "Tyler, not that." She said as she grabbed the nearest pillow to put over her face. " You know how I get - Ohhhhh. Oohhhhhhh." She said in a muffled tone. "Tyler, I love you so much."

Tyler brought his head up some and looked at her with the pillow over her face. He smirked some then whispered. "I love you too, Rachael. Forever, baby." He caressed her thighs before going back down in between them. He continued to drive his wife crazy and playfully make her pay by loving her all night long. The next game on his list. She's his older boss and he's the new, young male nanny to have her way with.

The end

A/N: I hope you guys liked my old novel, Manny, that I revised. Thanks for reading. It's been fun writing about Tyler, Rachael, Kal, Maddy.. and all the others. I do have sequels with the family in them. I'll let you know when I'll upload them. I hope you check out my other interracial fan-fiction and interracial original fiction that will be posted here.  Stay safe, social distance, stay healthy,wash your hands and wear a mask.

Edit: Here's the the next story in the Manny universe: 

When You Say Nothing At All (Maddy's Story)

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