Zodiac Sign:
1 - 12
1: Aries
2: Taurus
3: Gemini
4: Cancer
5: Leo
6: Virgo
7: Libra
8: Scorpio
9: Sagittarius
10: Capricorn
11: Aquarius
12: PiscesBonus:
1 - 3
1: No change
2: No Change
3: Your oc is a cusp of two signs. Generate 1 - 2.1: Cusp of og Zodiac and the one that comes before (ex: Capricorn + Sagittarius).
2: Cusp of og Zodiac and the one that comes after: (ex: Capricorn + Aquarius).
1: Lawful Good
2: Neutral Good
3: Chaotic Good
4: Lawful Neutral
5: True Neutral
6: Chaotic Neutral
7: Lawful Evil
8: Neutral Evil
9: Chaotic Evil
Wings of Fire OC generator!
Ficción GeneralI've created my own WoF oc generator. The only thing you'll need is a random number generator. Share with me the results!