Part 1/2 of chapter two; Session one.

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Melanie's POV.

The rest of that day was filled with assisting Natasha and Fury, chatting with Tony, and thinking about the mission I had been assigned. It seems a bit outlandish, to me. I remember Banner saying, "his mind is like a bag of cats. You can smell crazy on that guy." I found that quote funny, at the moment. Now it worried me to the core. I felt a wave of nausea flow through me, as I sat down with Tony for some coffee and doughnuts. He studied my facial expression. "I'm guessing Fury told you about the mission, huh?" he said, talking a bite of a maple bar. I nodded. "You knew?" I asked, putting some sugar in my coffee. He smirked. "Fury tells me everything. You nervous?" he asked me curiously. I bit my bottom lip. "Well, I certainly have a reason to be.." I responded, ripping a piece of raspberry filled doughnut, dipping it in my coffee. He chuckled. "You'll be fine. He won't hurt you. Trust me, he's weaponless in that glass case." he assured me. I shook my head. "I know. It's what might come out of his mouth that concerns me." I responded, growing more tense. Tony patted my hand. "You'll be alright, Mel. Trust me. He'll warm up to you. You're what's helping us save Midgard." he smiled. My shoulders loosened up. I half smiled at him. "True.. I feel a bit better now. Thanks Stark." I said, getting up and hugging him. He hugged me back. "Always here, Mel." he responded warmly. I sat down again. "How's you and Pepper? Still going strong?" I asked hopefully. He smiled big, and nodded. "Yes, of course. Her and I are still very in love." He said, warmness in his eyes. I smiled. "You two are perfect for each other. Well, my day's about done here. I'll see you in the morning, though! Tell Pepper I say hello! Later, Stark." I said, grabbing my things, giving him another hug. "Later, Mel. And I will! See you tomorrow, champ." He smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully, went out the door, signed out for the day, and drove back to my apartment. I closed my eyes, ready for a night of restless sleeping, not knowing what tomorrow would hold.

-The next day, 6:00 PM-

Melanie's POV.

I checked my clock. It read 6:00 PM across the little blue flashing screen. I felt my blood broil. My first "session" with Loki started at 6:15. My palms moistened, and I bit my upper lip. I went to one of the water machines, and drank about five glasses of water. I all of the sudden felt very warm. Then, I head a female voice behind me. "Thirsty, are we?" I turned around. It was Natasha. I smiled, and let out a nervous giggle. "Nervous, sounds more like it..." I said, trying to keep my thoughts collected. She giggled. "Don't be nervous. You'll ace this mission, no doubt about it. She said with a look of re-assurance on her face. "Fury wishes to see you right away." Natasha said, her tone going back to it's serious tone. I nodded. "Absolutely." and I walked with her to Fury's office. She opened the door for me, gave me a half hug, and wished me good luck. I wanted her to stay. But she had duties to attend to. I checked my watch. It read 6:11. "Almost time.." I thought. I could feel myself tense. I waited for Fury to come in. When he came in through the door, he had a tray with a medium size teal bowl with a silver tray on it. He was crinkling his nose at something. I figured out why when I inhaled. "Uck! What is that horrible scent?!" I asked, covering my nose. He laughed. "Loki's supper." He said. It was a bowl filled with a brownish grayish sludge. "How fowl." I thought. I tried not to inhale near it, but the scent wafted throughout the room. I ignored it. Fury started talking right away. "You will go to Loki's chamber. You know what floor that is, right Mel?" he asked. I nodded "Yes Fury." I responded. He nodded. "You will go in there, and serve him his food. Tell him you're ordered to stay there until he is done eating. Strike up a conversation with him, but make sure it goes somewhere. We don't exactly have to get answers today, but that would be excellent if you did. For now, let's work on you befriending Loki. Understood?" He asked. I nodded, feeling my shoulders tense more and more. "Understood." I checked my watch. "6:13" I froze. Two minutes. I felt another wave of nausea. Fury could tell I was nervous, and patted my shoulder reassuringly. "You're going to be just fine." he smiled at me warmly. I nodded, and took a deep breath. Fury's device beeped. He looked at the screen, then back up at me. "Melanie?"

"Yes?" I answered, fidgeting with my hands.

He looked me in the eyes. "Your mission starts now."


Melanie's POV.

As soon as I got of that elevator, I had an urge to run back on. But I wasn't a coward like that. I slid my I.D card through the slot once again, my name and info showing on the screen. The doors slid open to Loki's chambers.

My heart stopped as soon as I walked in.

Because there, sitting, was my mission. Loki Laufeyson. The god of mischief. In the flesh. Sitting in that glass cage steps away from me, back turned. I stepped with caution. Then froze dead in my tracks when I heard a low chuckle. "There aren't many people who can sneak up on me, you know.." Then, he turned. It was the first time I had seen him head on. He had slicked back jet black hair, green and black armour, (not with the helment that he usually wore) green..Or were they blue..?- almost puppy eyes- and a smile plastered on his face. But it was a menacing smile. I gulped. "I-i-um.. I have your meal, sir." I said, stuttering. Did I just call him sir...? No matter. I took my card and swiped it across the cage, it opening as I took the key and put it in my pocket, as Loki watched me curiously. "It's horrible, I know.. I'm sorry." I said, almost serious. He looked up at me, almost with surprise. Then back down at the meal with disgust. "Those wretched people. Can't they at least give me a decent meal?! Mewling quims. I'm not eating this.." My shoulders sagged. Not so far, not so good. "You have to eat some of it.. And I'm required to stay.." I said. He scowled at me, then sighed irritably. "I have no need of you. I'm in no mood to deal with a pathetic mortal such as yourself. I suggest you carry on and leave me be." He growled. It's like his eyes were burning a hole through my skull. The intensity of his glare was almost deathly. Banner was right. This guy's a nut case for sure. We stayed silent for a moment. "What's your name, mortal?" he asked me, a hint of irritation in his voice. I turned facing fully towards him. "My name is Melanie Colt. I already know who you are, Loki Laufeyson." I said, feeling somehow, a bit more confident. His scowl turned into a pleased grin. "So you've heard of me?" He asked curiously, standing up now, pacing the glass chamber, still holding eye contact with me. I nodded. "Hasn't everyone." I replied. like it wasn't a question. "And I don't think they're overly fond of you, to be perfectly honest." A smug look appeared across his face. "I need not their approval, Ms. Colt. I mean to rule Midgard, of course. They are all beneath me." He seethed. I nodded. I was finally getting somewhere with this mission. "I see. And who would, 'they' be, might I ask..?" I questioned curiously. He sat down again, across from me. "The humans, of course. Stupid mortal." He replied back to me, his tone full of annoyance once again. I chose to ignore his comment, and went on to a different topic. "So. You're the brother of Thor?" I asked him. His green eyes flickered with anger, pain, and hate. He clenched his jaw for a couple of seconds, then his fists. "Not by blood. I'm adopted." His tone was empty, but his face was filled with emotion. "Relate with him." I heard Fury's words echo in my head. "I'm adopted myself." I said back, trying to fight my thoughts from going back to the day I found out, blinking the thought away. His eyes all of a sudden softened, as did his face. "Tell me." he said, his tone was somewhat understanding. I looked at him puzzled. "Tell you what?" I asked dumbfounded. "How did you find out?" He asked. I felt my body fill with a certain pang of sadness, that I often pushed away. "Well." I started, as he stared at me, waiting. "It was another depressing day at my foster home, which I had always thought was my real home. Of course, my adoption father was hopelessly drunk. As always. Any who, I angered him by dropping a glass, and it broke. He lashed out on me, telling me that it was no wonder my parents didn't want me. I turned to my mom. Of course she was no help. She never was. It had always been about my sister, who died of cancer." I said, a strong pang of sadness filling my body. I hated mentioning the death of my sister. That's why I always acted so emotionless towards the topic. "...But even before then it was about my sister. I was always left out in the dark. Alone. I had barely any friends, and I was truly a lost soul. You cannot imagine how broken I was after that day. I left. And to this day I've never seen my foster parents. So, that's my story. Now I would like to hear yours."

Sorry guys, Wattpad is being retarded and won't let me add all of this into one chapter, so I'm dividng it into two chapters. Booo. Hahah, part two will be coming soon. (:

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