Part 2/2 of chapter two; Session one.

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Loki's POV.

"So, that's my story. Now I would like to hear yours." Melanie said to me, her expression was unreadable. Her story almost reminded me of my own, with always being alone. My mind filled with dark thoughts. Oh, how do I explain my betrayal to her without growing violent..? No matter. I started with my story. "I started to become suspicious while me, Thor, and some of his loyal subjects were battling the frost giants in Jotunheim." I started, seething when I said, 'loyal subjects' and, 'frost giants.' Melanie was looking at me tentatively. I continued. "So, I went to go to the tesseract, and I could feel myself getting colder, and colder by the second, to a point where I was almost ice. I saw changes in my skin, as well." My thoughts went back to that very day as I told her my story.

*Flashback* Third person's view.

"Stop!" Odin shouted at Loki as he took ahold of the tesseract, his appearance and body temperature changing quite rapidly. There was silence, Loki still holding the tesseract. "Am I cursed..?" Loki asked, facing away from Odin. "No." Odin answered back, a hint of fear in his tone. Loki slowly put the tesseract back on its stand, as Loki turned to face Odin. Eyes red, skin blue with black veins running through, his skin slowly going back to it's skin color, eyes going back to it's normal green. "What am I?" Loki asked, his voice like velvet, a knowing pain laced around it, as he walked towards Odin. "You're my son." Odin lied. Loki could feel anger and pain rise in him. "What more than that..?" Loki questioned. "The casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it?" Loki asked again. Odin knew he couldn't hide this secret any longer. "....No." He answered painfully. "In the aftermath of the battle I went into the temple, and I found a baby. Small, for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die.. Laufeyson." Loki was immediately filled with betrayal, not making eye contact with Odin. "Laufeyson..." He repeated, in full realization. "Yes." Odin told him. Loki's breathing increased, his emotions all coming together, his heavy breathing quickening. "Why!? You were knee deep in Jotun blood, why would you take me??" Loki asked, not being able to think straight. "You were an innocent child." Odin answered immediately. "No. You took me for a purpose. What was it?" Loki replied, his breathing still heavy as he talked.

No answer.

Loki grew even more impatient, angry, and distraught by the second. "TELL ME!" Loki shouted at Odin, tears rimming his eyes. Odin tried to keep calm. "I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace. Through you." Loki could feel as though his heart was slowly falling to pieces. "W-what..?" He replied, hurt and pain filling his voice, his face filled with many different emotions, tears filling his eyes even more. "..But those plans no longer matter." Odin continued, looking down at his now distraught, hurt, heart broken adopted son. Loki's mouth was agape with shock and hurt. "So I am no more than another stolen relic? Locked up here, until you might have use of me!?" Loki nearly shouted. Odin grew frustrated. "Why do you twist my words?" Odin asked. Loki ignored the comment. "You could have told me what I was from the begining, why didn't you!?" Loki asked, full of resentment and agnst. "You're my son. I only wanted to protect you from the truth." "Why, because I-i-i-i'm the monster that parents, tell their children about at night!?!?" "No, no no no no.." Odin said, starting to feel weak, sitting down, trying to get Loki to calm down. "You know, it all makes sense, NOW, why you favored Thor, ALL these years, because no matter how much, you claim, to love ME, you could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!!!" Loki yelled, the tears going free, though his voice was filled with anger, as was he. At that point, Odin at gone into the Odinsleep. Loki kneeled down next to his father, worry and panic now filling his face. "Guards! Guards, guards, please help!"

-End Flashback-

Loki's POV.

"Loki, Loki, LOKI!" Melanie said, shaking me, trying to get me back into reality. I had been silent appearantly, for the past five minutes. I was deep in thought, and I had been unaware of my surroundings. I stared blankly at her. She looked as though she'd been... Crying? I was puzzled by this. Did my story affect her that much? "Are you okay..?" She asked me, calming down, her face softened. "Of course I'm fine! I'm a God, you need not pity me, you pathetic-" But I was cut off mid-sentence, by Melanie hugging me. I was shocked by this at first. My hands hung loose by my side. But eventually I hugged back. It felt kind of.... Nice? She pulled away. "...I am so sorry. That's terrible.. He should've been honest with you from the begining. I know how you're feeling.." She said quietly. I for some reason felt nager rise in me. "I need not your pity, mortal! I am not weak minded, as you humans are." I hissed, facing away. I have to be honest, I didn't know why I was acting so cruel. It was a pride thing, I assume. "You know... Not all humans are so bad. Just because I'm a human, doesn't mean that I'm pathetic and weak. I'm just letting you know you're not alone." She said to me. I felt my body go.. Warm? I scoffed and shook the feeling away. I faced towards her. "Why would you ever want anything to do with a murdurer like me? You know, I could kill you. And I'm a forst giant, a monster. I wouldn't befriend me. You've been here far long enough, I think It's time you go." I snapped. Though, I also kind of wanted her to stay.. She just looked at me, then looked at the ground. "Everyone deserves a friend..." She mumbled. I looked at her. My body filled with a certain warmth. I stood up, walking towards her. She looked up at me. "..A friend would be.. Nice." I mumbled. She half smiled at me. "Good. Because I am the person who's going to be giving you your food, and I'm required to stay until you finish.." She observed my bowl full of the foul sludge, still very full, and very untouched. "..And something tells me you're not very fond of, well... That." She said, crinking her nose. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Despise it. It's all they've been giving me. Fury used to give me my supper.. I like you far better." I chuckled. It felt weird, me not being nasty to a mortal, or anyone in general. But I couldn't help it. She'd given me company, a friend. Something I've never really had. She giggled, a small watch on her wrist beeping. She looked down at it, then back up at me. "Well, my day here is done.. I'll see you tomorrow, Loki. It was nice speaking with you." She said honestly. I smiled. "The same goes for you, Ms. Colt. I look foward to speaking with you." The odd thing was, that I did. She looked like she had just realized something, then dug into her pocket. "Here." She said, handing me something wrapped in tinfoil. I opened it up, and it was a sandwhich of some sort. "It was my lunch, but I ended up eating some leftovers from the staff room. You can have it. You at least deserve a decent meal." She said. I looked down at the sandwhich, and back up at her, putting the sandwhich on the metal bench behind me, and doing somethin I could have never found myself doing. I pulled her into a hug. It took a couple of seconds for her to return the hug. "Thank you for your kindess.." I said to her, still hugging. She nodded. "It was no trouble, sir." She said. I felt myself smile a little, both of us letting go. "Goodbye, Loki." she said to me. "Goodbye, Melanie." I said back, as she slid a card through the door, stepping out, making her way through the exit, as I was left still standing. I went to the sandwhich, taking a bite. It wasn't like the Asgard food, but it was okay. Why would Melanie want to befriend me..? I did not have the slighest clue. All I knew was that I was glad I had some sort of company. I'd usually despise mortals, their way of life. But Melanie seemed.. Different, you could say.

I guess it would be nice having her around every night. "Just might be.." I thought to myself.

Sorry it took me forever to update! I've been kind of busy. :p But please stay tuned, tell me what you thought! (: Thank you for reading! Have amazing Loki feels, my fellow Hiddlestoners. (; Hehe. Will update as soon as I can. (:


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2012 ⏰

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