The Secrets of the House part 2

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Darmsha has no clue where the code could go, he hasn't seen a lock or a safe anywhere in the house. He only knew three people he could trust to ask about the code, two of which he would rather not ask as he went up to a room. He opened the door up and went over to the bed that the male lays upon, he looked up at Darmsha and sat up confused.

"Graves, this might sound pathetic, but I need your help with a code" he spoke regretfully, not wanting to admit he needed help. Graves got up and asked to see where this code was found. Being led by Darmsha, he shows the pin board with the papers having the code underneath.

"I've never seen this pin board here before, must've been added in recently" graves explained, looking around at all the papers. "It all looks like Brian's hand writing, we should ask him about it" graves added. Darmsha nodded as the two of them proceeded to head to Brian's room. More questions surrounded Darmsha's head, what could Brian be hiding? Does he want someone to find something out? What's the code for and why? As these questions filled Darmsha's head, him and Graves arrived at Brian's room.

The door being wide open, the two of them helped themselves in and looked around for Brian. "He must've went to work early" Graves suggested, looking around for anything the code could go to. Darmsha started to open drawers and looking under Brian's bed, anything that could use a code! He looked desperately, not wanting to go to the two people that he didn't want the help of. Graves saw the stress and the rush he was going through, he slowly goes over and sets a hand on Darmsha's shoulder, granting a small flinch from the stressed boy. "I know you don't want to talk to either of them but..."

"... maybe we should"

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