[3] a rush of blood to the head

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T H E D I S A R R A Y [3]
see it all disappear without a trace•

The Weiss girl and I walked through the hall with guards on either side of us. She said very little while her eyes remained trained on her feet. There was this false sense of calmness exuding off of her, yet I have to admit that I was curious about her thoughts. Beyza Weiss certainly came off as quite the talkative tease from what I could pick up in our interrogation if you could call it that. Although, right now, that false calmness was evidently wavering before my eyes.

"Never thought I could see a Weiss shaking in her boots," the phrase escaped my lips purposefully. I knew that I would attract her attention with a statement.

"Funny. I'm surrounded by big, burly, color--" she cut herself off as my eyes immediately shot towards her for what she was about to say.

"Pardon, Weiss?" Any joking tone that I had with her before to make her feel somewhat less nervous, I suppose, left instantly. The fact that she could let the word slip off of her tongue so effortlessly did more than bother me.

The guard that she'd let down in the interrogation room was put right back up in a slew of well-formulated words.

"Forgive me. That was quite out of line. I have not adapted to where I am, and I realize that word is not one that should escape my lips here," and all over again, the same regret that conflicted me when I first accepted this mission flashed before my eyes. The only thing that kept me walking was a thought that rested at the back of my mind. "Andri. Even if he broke protocol... You owe him this much."

IT WAS A NORMAL NIGHT ATOP THE NEARLY FALLEN REGION CENTER. The wind sent a chill down my spine as the buzzing of the dismal streets went on. There was little to no light throughout the entire town as we found ourselves attempting to resist their so-called "aid." The line between Ivory and Melanite Falls could not have been more defined as the closely contrasting colors stood adjacent to each other. They loomed over one another, in an eerily beautiful manner. The two were side by side but were hundreds of feet apart at the same time. There were thousands and thousands of guards on opposite sides, watching for the slightest movement. The closest point allowed men to stand only seven feet away from one another, fighting for something that had apparently ended hundreds of years ago.

My thoughts carried on as I hovered atop the charcoal building but were soon interrupted by a pair of arms snaking around my waist. Instead of jumping in "fear," I glanced down at the figure's arms in search of any symbol of who they may be. Surely enough, a dark, permanent mark showed upon their chocolate skin. It was our symbol. The black cross surrounded by a fist upheld towards the sky. However, this person in particular had 'Andri' practically carved into the symbol.

"Blakely. What are you doing up here so late? You know doc said that it could start lightning any second. We wouldn't want those pretty little eyes of yours to get messed up." He had his head nestled into the crook of my neck as I felt the familiar scratching of his facial hair rubbing against me. I knew he hadn't meant to come across in such a way, but I couldn't help but think that the only reason I was there was because of my eyes. One seeing the truth... One seeing naturally. Their colors were fitting, too; One was brown for natural and the other was green for truth.

"Arold. You really shouldn't sneak up on people like that. You could get killed doing that." As I explained so, I could feel his smile growing. "Love, are you implying that you would be the one to kill me? If so... I'd die happy." He teased, not loosening his grip from my waist. His breathing was steady as I would feel his small breaths up against my neck. It was moments like these that I wished times could always be this simple, but then... What would be the point? There would be nothing to fight for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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