1|What the Hell Just Happened

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A/n- So are you guys ready to meet Peter? Hopefully, this chapter is better than the last one!

Warning: mentions of rape, slight language

-Your POV-

After Cam left this morning with a tearful hug, I promised to call her as soon as we got settled into our new apartment. When I was nine, my parents took me to New York, and immediately I fell in love. I've always known that I wanted to live there one day, but I didn't ever think that I'd be living there before I was 20. Of course, I was sad to leave all of the memories I had made in New Jersey, but what I didn't realize three days ago was that my mom was right. I need to accept that life in New Jersey was over. That meant the whole situation with my father and now Liam needed to just be memories in my head that I think about. It was going to be hard, I knew that, but it had to be done. I was taken from my thoughts as we drove through the dazzling streets of Manhattan. You're probably wondering why we were even in Manhattan, to begin with, but this is where Mom's new job is located and she wants to go and familiarize herself with the workspace meaning I had some extra free time to wander around the city. Yay!

-Peter's POV-

"Alright class we're only going to be at The Met for an hour and I expect you to write down your observations about fifteen or more pieces of artwork you see. Meet me on the right side of the steps in one exactly hour, got it?" Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, each student excited to be in the city for a change. I on the other hand knew what something wasn't right here. I assumed my spidey senses were going off, meaning that someone was in danger. I felt like I needed to get out of here quickly so I raised my hand. "Yes, Parker?"

"Uh, Mr. Carson? Yea sir, um can I go to the bathroom before we start? It's really urgent." He rolled his eyes but nodded so I jumped up and ran into the nearest alleyway I could find barely catching Ned's worried expression. 

-Your POV-

Wow, this is even more gorgeous than I remembered! So far I've been to Twin Tower Memorial and since I was already in an emotional state, you can only imagine how that went. Then I went to see the classic sparkling lights of Time's Square and ate a piece of pizza to rid me of my sadness. I'm headed off to central park right now so that I can buy some roasted peanuts (I got those every day on our trip when I was nine). As I was nearing the peanut cart I had a gut feeling telling me to turn around and go to another location, but then I caught a sniff of the sweet scent of nuts and suddenly felt like an old cartoon character sniffing out a pie. I just couldn't resist running to the cart fully prepared to shove as many in my mouth as possible. As soon as I was about to pay some guy around my age gave the kind lady his card, paying for my snack. 

"Hey, thanks! I could have gotten it though." I looked up to see a smile on the boy's face and he was good looking I must say, but I didn't want to start anything with anyone just yet since I literally broke up with Liam last night. 

"Don't worry about it sweetheart a pretty girl like you deserves a free treat every once in a while." He winked and I immediately felt uncomfortable but tried to laugh it off. 

"Well thank you very much but, I think I should get going." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand and yanked me back to him. 

"Come on, stay a while! I'd like to get to know you some more." He dragged me a couple of blocks away towards an alleyway and I knew what was coming but was too stunned to scream. 

"Oh, and a little tip? A girl like you should never walk alone in a big city full of creeps," he backed  me against a wall and his face inched closer to mine, "like me." Before he could kiss me I finally gained my continence back and let out a cry for help. Before I knew what was happening the dude about to assault me was webbed to a wall by none other than Queen's hero, Spider-man. What was he doing in the city?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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