~chapter II~ SLEEPOVER!!!!!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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****Time skip to 6th period (the last period of the day)****

~Adam's POV~ 💛

Me and Aph are in class without anyone else in the group. Max somehow convinced Ross to skip this period with him. It would have just been the three of us but now I'm sat here with a fucking angle and she keeps giggling and smiling... she's just so perfect and innocent... I only met her today and already I know that I never want to leave her side... she's just so amazing... I think I'm falling for her... "Adam? Aaaaaadam." she says kinda close waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh um... what's up?" I say feeling my face heat up. "I was asking if you and the guys would like to have a sleepover at my house?" She sat back down and looked at me with the most adorable smile on her face. Her smile showed a little embarrassment but still was kind and endearing. "I'm in" I say, smiling at her. She looks at me and then she reaches out and hugs me. "Thank you!!" she says, still hugging me. I hug her back... once she pulls away from me the bell rings. We gather our stuff and I stand up to leave. "Wait Adam!" she says, "hmm?" I say looking at her. She then kisses my cheek and smiles at me "thank you for being so kind... and for coming to my sleepover later!!" she giggles and skips out of the class... god I'm so done for...

~Aphmau's POV~ 💜

I kissed him... I KISSED HIM!!!!! Oh my god... I have to hurry home!! I need to clean my room!!! Oh I almost forgot to invite everyone else!! I pull out my phone and open the group chat.

❤️-Max 🧡-Red 💛-Adam 💚-Barney 💙-Ross 💜-Aphmau

💜- hay guys!! Do you guys wanna come over to my house later and have a sleepover?

💙- I'm in.

❤️- I'll go.

🧡- I got nowhere else to be. It could be fun

💚- I'll go.

💛- you already know my answer

💜- Yay!! My address is XXXXXXX. Be here at 5:30!!

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked the rest of the way home. Once I get home I see my mom sitting on her phone in the living room "hay mom!!" I say running in and hugging her. "Hay mijah! How was school? Did you meet any friends?" she says smiling at me. "school was really good!! And yes I did!! Five!! I invited them to a sleepover tonight if that's okay with you?" I look at her with a little bit of a question in my eye but she smiles "of course mijah! When are they coming over?" she says "5:30. I'm gonna go change into some more comfortable clothes and clean up my room a bit." I say as I walk up stairs. Once in my room I change into a large purple shirt, some shorts, and knee high socks. The shirt almost covers my shorts but only because it's so big on me. I clean up the little mess in my room and grab a bunch of folded blankets and pillows setting them on the end of my bed.

****Time skip to 5:25****

The boys should be here soon. I walk down stairs just in time for someone to knock on the door. "I've got it!!!" I yell running to the door. On the other side I see Adam with a backpack slung over his shoulder. "hay Adam!! Come in! You're the first one to get here!" I say smiling and opening the door wider to let him in. We walk into the living room. "hay mom! This is one of the friends I was telling you about!" I say gesturing at Adam. "Mom, meet Adam! Adam meet my mom!!!" I smile "I'm gonna go get some soda!! Be right back!!" I skip to the kitchen and look for my soda.

~Adam's POV~ 💛

Aphmau left me in the living room with her mom... and this is one of the scariest thing I've ever dealt with... "so your friends with Aphmau I see..." she says looking at her nails... "y-yes ma'am!" I say cursing myself for stuttering. "listen up" she says in an intimidating voice "if you or anyone else hurts my daughter then you will pay for it. Understood?" she says looking at me I nod quickly. She smiles "good!" she stands up "oh I forgot to tell you mijah. Your sodas are in the cabinet!" she says as she goes into the kitchen. I then hear a knock at the door "I'll get it!!" Aph says jogging to the door opening it. "Hi Max! Hi Ross!! Adam is in the living room! Come on!!!" she says skipping over. "do any of you want something to drink?" she says looking at us. "nah I'm good." I said smiling. "Same here" Max says and Ross agrees with us. "alright! I'll be right back!" she says skipping out. I smile at how happy she is... I'd die to just keep her happy... "ooooooh~ someone has a crush~" Max says in a teasing voice. "1) no I don't and 2) you have NO room to talk" I say making a small- almost unnoticeably- motion at Ross, who was now on his phone not paying attention to anything "1) you totally do, don't deny it 2) I do have room to talk because I have no idea what your talking about" Max says crossing his arms at the end. "uh-hu suuuuuuuuuuuure" I say rolling my eyes. After our little argument I hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I say walking to the door "thank you Adam!!" Aph says from the kitchen. I open the door to see Red and Barney with their bags "Red and Barney are here!" I yell over to the kitchen "come in" I say to them getting out of their way.

~Aphmau's POV~ 💜

I walk into the living room to see everyone "yay everyone's here!!" I say with a small clap of my hands. "so what should we do?" Ross says looking at me "oh um..." I look down thinking for a second "truth be told I have no idea what actual people do at sleepovers... I never was invited to any..." I say playing with the hem of my sleeves. All of a sudden I feel someone is hugging me "that's alright. I've never had a sleepover with a girl before" Adam says, still hugging me. I hug him back and smile. Once he pulls away he turns to the guys "alright! So now it is our job to make sure Aphmau's first sleepover is the best! Any ideas on what we can do?" Adam says at the guy's. I smile just a bit more at how amazing Adam is being right now... he's so kind! "we could play paranoia." Red says looking mischievously at Adam. "I've never played that. How do you play?" I say looking at him "oh you poor sweet child..." I hear Max say to himself "basically you quietly ask the person next to you a question. It could be something like 'who would be the best singer' or 'who is most likely to sleep with a study animal' or something like that. Then the person you asked has to answer with a name of someone in the group. Then you flip a coin and if it lands on heads you say the question out loud. If it lands on tails it stays a secret. And you're not allowed to tell anyone what the question is if it lands on tails until after the game. Or it can stay a secret forever if you really don't wanna share." Ross explains. "sounds fun! We can go up to my room and play! I have some quarters up there!" I say walking to the stairs

****time skip to when everyone is sitting in Aphmau's room****

(this is how they are sitting)

"Can I go first?" I say looking at everyone else to make sure

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"Can I go first?" I say looking at everyone else to make sure. They all nod so I lean over to Ross "who would dress in drag?" I whisper. He seems a little surprised that I would be the first one to ask that. "Hmm... for fun right?" he says and I nod "Barney" he says. I start laughing at the thought. He takes the quarter from the center of the circle.

He flips it... heads

"Aph asked who would dress in drag. For fun of course" Ross says as he smiles and looks at Barney "what!? No!" Barney says pouting. Ross leans over to Max and whispers to him "oh Adam definitely" he says chuckling. Max takes the coin

He flips it... Tails

"Sorry man." Max says leaning over to Red.

****time skip to when everyone has had a few turns****

Adam leans in "out of everyone here who is most likely to not be straight?" he says laughing a bit. I look at everyone in the room "can I say all four of them?" I say where everyone can hear. Everyone looks surprised, including Adam. "wait what!? Why?" Adam said to me. I lean closer to his ear and whisper "I think Barney and Red like each other, along with Max and Ross. I honestly ship them." after I say that he looks at them and then leans closer to me "your right. They totally do" he whispers and we laugh for a second. "Alright well my answer is the four of you." I say smiling while grabbing the coin.

I flip it... heads

"Oh. okay. Well Adam's question was 'out of everyone here who is most likely to not be straight'" I say looking at everyone "wait what? Why all of us??" Ross says "well I think you all know your own reasons to be honest." Adam says. Everyone starts blushing and looking down. I look at the clock to see that it's almost 7:00 and I look back at everyone and say "Why don't we play some video games?" 

~the power of the pendants~ Mithross Redney & Skymau ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Where stories live. Discover now