Chapter 1

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//hey ya’ll!! There’s a slight TW in the later chapters including abuse, panic attacks, cutting mentions, sexual assault (it’s stopped), dysphoria, and maybe other things at some point. I’ll put a warning like ***TW COMING UP*** so yee! Dysphoria and panic attack TWs are in this later chapter. Love yall!!//

I sat in my steamy bath, the mirror fogging up as I strategically placed my arms on the sides of the bath while holding my book, making it so I couldn't see my chest, waist, or legs. It’s just self-esteem, I thought. When I look in the mirror it’s just self esteem weighing me down like a million bricks. But does low self-esteem make me want to throw up every time I get a glance at myself in a tank top? 

Whatever. I rolled my eyes. I don’t even need to think about it right now. The candles at the edge of my bathtub flickered as the steam rose up from the hot water. I should get out by now. Yeah. I set my book down and kept my eyes up. I stood up, bracing myself on the counter edge. It’s ok Vee, I thought as i stepped one foot out of the bath at a time, just don’t look down. 

Why didn't I want to look down? 

I wish my chest was flat. 


I wish i was a guy. 

No I don't. 

Yes, I do.

Oh god. Oh no. no. no no no no no no.

My breath sped up as my vision blurred. I’m gonna pass out! I thought. No. Oh, no no no no no no no no no-


Am i….. T-trans?

//Hey ya’ll! Sorry for the short chapter today, but I needed to get something out. I’m really excited to do this book!

Love y'all!!//

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