Chapter 3

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After locking up my bike, I headed to my locker. Besides, I had maybe 10-15 minutes before class started. Anything to get away from my house. I grabbed the books I needed for first period and closed up my locker, double-checking I had everything before looking for... Ah. there she is.

"Hey, Victoria! How have you been?"

I cringed. Hard. "I've been... good, Emmy. You?" This was Amelie, or Emmy. She'd been my best friend since fourth grade. She didn't know anything about my.... Home situation. She was pretty. Not that i had a crush on her, she just had a nice aesthetic. I may be a bisexual, but i wouldn't want to make the friendship... weird.

"I've been good too. Did you hear? Simon came out as ace yesterday."

"Oh really?" God, simon. God, Simon! He was so damn cute. I'm definitely crushing on him. And for a lot of good reasons. His skin is smooth and like chocolate, and his voice... like honey. He was in theater, and they were just about to come out with their production of Aladdin. And, of course, he was playing Aladdin. Not only does he have a great sense of humor, but Simon's respectful, chill, shy, and kind. He's ace now though, and probably not interested in a relationship.

"Wanna come to my house after school?"

"Sorry, no, i can't."

"Aw, come on! Your parents aren't that strict. Plus, you're with your mom today, right? Her house is closer to mine!"



Amelie was a good persuader. Or maybe i'm just weak. I don't know. I did need to go to my mom's today, which was a relief. My mom was chill and sensible, and divorced from my dad. She didn't know my dad was not only cheating on her, but also... abusing me. 

"All right. You can walk home with me, okay Tori?"


//okayyyyyyy my computer is big dumb so im using my momss and hopefully there's no issue! Sweet alright two more chapters wooo okay//

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