Episode 4: A New Year of Lying to Myself...In Song

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Logan: But how can he do that without knowledge?

I fall off my bed laughing quietly. Virgil looks over at me and runs over.

Virgil: You okay?

Victoria: Yeah I'm fine. 

Virgil: That's good. We should probably head down there before-

All of a sudden Logan starts shouting again. How do you hear him you make be asking. Well, Virgil and I's room is right above the living room where they are filming. 

Victoria: Before one of them have a meltdown?

Virgil: Yeah...

Virgil and I hold hands and pop into the video. Everyone's just shouting at each other besides Thomas, who just looks super confused.

Virgil: So, isn't this nice.

Thomas: Oh, good, my anxieties, right on time.

Roman: What are you two doing back here?

Victoria: All these emotions and thoughts in complete turmoil? How could I not show up at this party?

Logan: Unbelievable. This was totally supposed to be my video.

Victoria: Get over it. You're the least popular character, and you know it.

Thomas: Ooooh...

Patton covers his mouth and tries not to laugh. Princey lets out a chuckle slaps his hand over his mouth too.

Roman: Curse you for making me laugh.

Virgil: This whole thing just amuses me, because you're gonna waste all this time picking out goals for the new year, what you need to start doing, or stop doing, and in a month, probably less, it's all gonna be for nothing. You're gonna stop trying and go right back to before. It's all meaningless.

Thomas: Nuh-uh!

Virgil: Yuh-huh!

Roman: We've got this. He'll definitely stay true.

Logan: Well, looking at facts, we have been pretty bad about sticking to goals in the past.

Patton: Can't lie about that.

Victoria: See? You know it's true.

Roman: Ugh. I do not like you.

Thomas: Well, this year it could be different, right? Right?

Thomas starts smiling and starts singing. Oh gosh...please no more songs. 

Thomas: I'll cut out carbs to lose some weight. 

Logan: That's a lie.

Thomas: I won't go to bed so late. 

Patton: LIE!

Thomas:  I won't be so shy to date. 

Logan: Lie.

Thomas:  I won't do so much riffing. 

Roman: Lieeeeeee. 

Thomas: I will go to the gym and get real strong. 

Patton: Lie!

Thomas: All my work I won't prolong. 

Logan: Hah! Lie.

Thomas: I'll stick to goals the whole year long. 

Patton: Another lie!

Thomas: I won't sing so many Disney songs. 

Roman: You're kidding, right?

Virgil: Let's face the facts and come to terms it's time to realize. These goals are only merely hope we quickly leave behind. They're lies, lies, lies, lies, lies!

They look at me, expecting me to sing. Fat chance. Nope, nopetiy nope, nope. I'm good. 

Victoria: Give it up. Resolutions are nothing more than empty promises to yourself. Shouldn't even try.

Thomas: Okay, maybe thinking big like that is not the way to go, but resolutions don't have to be big. They can be reasonable.

The music picks up...again. 

Thomas: I could cook a meal or four. 

Patton: True...

Thomas: Keep my clothes neater in my drawer. 

Roman: True.

Thomas: Improve my credit score. 

Logan: So true.

Thomas: Tell my loved ones that I love them more. 

Patton: That's cute!

Thomas: There's a book I've meant to read!

Logan: True.

Thomas: Do my best to do good deeds. 

Patton: True!

Thomas: Take the time for me I need. 

Roman: Too true!

Thomas: Follow less and take a lead! 

Ugh if this will help...I'm only doing this to make Thomas realize what he's saying. I'm not that good anyway...not like it'll matter.

Victoria: Don't kid yourself, you know your year can't be that sublime. 

Thomas: You may be right, but I'll prove you wrong. We'll both find out in time if they're lies lies lies lies lies. 

All except Virgil and Victoria:  Ooooo... 

Thomas: They could be lies lies lies lies lies.

All except Virgil and Victoria: Ooooo... 

Thomas: I won't let them be lies lies lies lies lies. 

All except Virgil and Victoria: Ooooo... 

Thomas: I'm doing fine. 

I snap and make the music stop. NO, MORE, SONGS!

Victoria: You sicken me. You can't always rely on a catchy tune to solve your problems.

Princey is dancing and smirking at me. 

Roman: I disagree.

Thomas: So long, Anxiety and Soc.

Virgil: Ugh, it's gonna be stuck in my head all day.

It's a couple of hours later, and the song is still stuck in my head! I don't know what they're thinking, Thomas is only going to get hurt. No one ever follows through with their resolutions. I'm walking to the kitchen and I see Roman and Thomas filming the end card again. Normally I wouldn't do this without Virge just cause I'm usually too anxious. Virgil is with Janus right now, they're probably watching Black Cauldron. I want to tease Princey a little so I walk over to them.

Roman: Hey Soc, if you had to have a New Year's resolution, what would it be?

Victoria: Probably to find darker eye shadow to better match my soul.

Roman: You are an emo nightmare.

Victoria: Thank you.

I smirk and walk back to Janus' room. I cuddle next to Janus and fall asleep on his shoulder. Today was a long day. 

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