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All lives matter until black lives matter to
By Lula Ajal

We move as one, we move together. We deserve to live on this land as much as you do. We won't be beaten or killed no more because we are done. We love our skin even if you hate it'. We glow in god's eyes as much as you. We are black people and we are the strongest of all beaten, enslaved, hated, and killed. You took us from our homes and made us forget, when and where our people originated from. They call us thugs because of our skin the way we walk and talk. They call us negros because they don't see us as equals to them. They say our people don't get hated as much because we live in 2020, but let me tell you something we have learned for hundreds of years: our people were enslaved and downgraded and said to be less intelligent, but now it's over and we are all equal, but it's not.
Some groups want us killed and gone from America and Canada. The KKK white supremacist groups use their white privilege to hate on us and then continuing to say I have freedom of speech and I can say anything. They burn down black churches, mosques, many religionist places where they don't agree and we aren't the only people Asian, middle east, Mexican and ingenious people, and any other race that's not white or seen as they're equal to them are hated. Police kill us because we threaten them with our skin. They see us jog and get food or anything that everyone else does but we look suspicious. They shoot us if they say they saw a gun, but had a hairbrush. If there are four of you and one black male or woman I would think you guys are under the control of the situation. The word black lives matter is not only for us but for the people that are treated the same as us. "White privilege is real even". if you don't understand white privilege isn't about if you are rich or poor, but the colour of your skin you can walk in a store or the streets in the middle of the night and no one will think anything of it why? Because we aren't equal. If I drive a nice car they will stop me and ask me for licence and registration where I'm going ,what I'm doing out this late and where did I come from, if I ask one simple question why i'm i being pulled over or why im being arrested they tell me to step out of the car when I continue to ask they say  i'm resisting arrest and will continue to slam me to the ground and handcuffed me and put all there weight on me when i say i can't breathe i'm lying how many times should i say I can't breathe 10 times, well here I can't breathe I cant breathe I can't breathe I cant breathe I can't breathe I cant breathe I can't breathe I cant breathe I cant breathe I can't breathe that's not enough here are ten more times I can't breathe I can't breathe I cant breathe I can't breathe I cant breathe I can't breathe I cant breathe i can't breathe i cant breathe welp now im died for eight minutes I lay and say I can't breathe people stand and gather here and say stop he/her can't breathe but are too scared to help because they might get shot, I thank the people that take videos of of the death of my sister and brothers because without it, it isn't real Without it the dead are seen as the fault of their own death. If there are four of you and one black male or woman I think you guys are under the control of the situation. We will riot and loot and burn things down like the KKK because we are all equal rights?

Protests always escalate because we are blocked from going anywhere we will get tear-gassed and shoot with rubber bullets. This angers people because at first, it was a peaceful protest and now people are attacking the people who attacked them. Why are they allowed to protest with guns to get their Haircuts, because they need their freedom so when I go out to jog or get food I have the freedom and shouldn't be seen unusually or get shot or anything of the sort. They say we are killed more than black people maybe because you guys are the highest population in the country dumbass you will see more white people than black people or any other race in America and Canada. They say our activist group is the same as a terrorist group. They say all lives matter that's true, but all lives matter until black lives matter all lives matter until the indigenous lives matter, all matter until Mexican lives matter and all lives matter until everyone is treated equally.

     At the age of 15, I shouldn't be worried about the deaths of my brothers and sister or anyone leaving their home. At the age of 15 I shouldn't be thinking will this happen to my family or kids or husband when I'm older. At the age of 15, I shouldn't be scared to walk on the street. At the age of 15, I shouldn't think this is normal at all. At the age of 15, I shouldn't be scared of white people. At the age of 15, I shouldn't think of death. At the age of 15, I shouldn't think will this every stop at this point to think of it they will never change since four hundred years ago they will never change how can we stop this from happening I don't know I'm just 15. On the news, I see a black male shot and killed for resisting arrest. On the news, I see a white male shot up the school because his family didn't love him enough. On the news, I see a black male killed because he didn't comply with the police. On the news, I see white supremacist groups killed a black male no charges until the media, twitter, Instagram tik tok, and other social media plate forms find out about it they will go and cover up these deaths, but people will always find out about it. There were four of you and one of me. I was just jogging and I was killed. They raided into the wrong house and I was killed these are the stories of black people I see on social media instead of on the news every day and every day we will help and get justice for our people. All lives matter until black lives matter, White privilege is real and people see me as a threat because of my skin because of how I walk and

talk and the words I should hear from my fellow people is. I'm not black, but I see you.
                 I'm not black, but I hear you.
                 I'm not black, but I mourn with you.
                 I'm not black, but I fight for you

We have the right just as any of you do and shouldn't be downgraded why?
Because we are people, why?
Because we build the country as much as you did, why?
Because God loves us too.
Thank you for all your respects and the people that support black lives because those are the open-minded people and they won't be like their ancestors. All I say is that I hope my generation is the last to see this sadness and my children and grandkids never go through with this at all. I hope to see people start to elect the right leadership. I hope people will start to see our point of view. I hope that God is with us in 2020.

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