General Terms

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These general medical terms are oftentimes abbreviated for ease of communication.

AA - amino acid

ABG - arterial blood gas

ADM - admission, admitted

ALS - advanced life support

AMA - against medical advice (or American Medical Association)

ASAP - as soon as possible

A&W - alive and well

C - centigrade, celsius

CC - cubic centimeter, chief complaint, critical care

C/O - complains of, care of

CO2 - carbon dioxide

D/C - discontinue or discharge

DNR - do not resuscitate

DO - disorder

DOA - dead on arrival or date of admission

DOB - date of birth

DOT - directly observed therapy

DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

EDC - estimated date of confinement

EDD - estimated delivery date

EGA - estimated gestational age

ER - emergency room

F - fahrenheit

H&P - history and physical examination

HPI - history of present illness

H/O - history of

HR - heart rate or hour

HS - hour of sleep (bedtime)

ICU - intensive care unit

ID - infectious diseases

IP - inpatient

IQ - intelligence quotient

IU - international units

MCO - managed care organization

MG - milligram

MVA - motor vehicle accident

ML - milliliter

NKDA - no known drug allergies

NTG - nitroglycerin

O2 - oxygen

OPD - outpatient department

P - pulse

Post-op - postoperative (after surgery)

Pre-op - preoperative (before surgery)

PA or PT - patient

PCP - primary care physician

PPE - personal protection equipment

RBC - red blood cell

RF - risk factor

S - without (sans)

SX - symptoms

S/S - signs and symptoms

STAT - immediately

T - temperature

TPR - temperature, pulse, respiration

USOH - usual state of health

VS - vital signs

VSS - vital signs stable

WB - whole blood

WBC - white blood cell

WNL - within normal limits

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