[03] boomerang that never comes back

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Elliot was sitting on a couch doing a crossword puzzle, waiting for Skye to arrive, even though she finished the crossword almost immediately. Elliot had only known Skye for a brief period of time but she knew that the two would get along, especially since Elliot could tell that Skye and herself wouldn't be able to keep up to Fitzsimmons.

Then finally after ages, the three walked up the stairs and while she immediately wanted to run up to them, but she thought that Skye would be overwhelmed enough and decided not to.

"Officially it's an airborne mobile command station. But we call it The Bus." Fitz informs Skye because she totally wanted to know that. Both Fitz and Simmons are grinning excitedly but poor Skye looked confused.

"We find it best to use shorthand when in the field. But, everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger." Fitz continued. Elliot had a look of confusion on her face because she knew that Fitz had only been in the field for a millisecond.

"Yeah, I've been up here before, but I didn't see much because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head," Skye responds as Fitz is beginning to struggle to hold Skye's belongings.

"Yes, so sorry about that." Simmons apologies to Skye, not sure what to say. Elliot decided to get up and grab a bottle of water and as the three pass she holds it in front of Skye who takes it.

"Water?" Elliot offers before opening her own.

There is a beep from the intercom and May's voice sounds out through the plane: "Wheels up in two. Lock it or lose it."

"What does that mean?" Skye asks, still totally confused about everything.

"It means no backing out now. Good luck" Elliot responds, finding it funny that Skye was clueless.

"Let's find a bunk for our guest." Simmons starts to walk off and Fitz quickly follows after her while Elliot sits back down.

"Oh, oh yeah, there's only one bunk left and it's right next to mine." Fitz offers, overly excitedly, which somehow bothered Elliot. I mean, we had only met practically the day before.

Fitz runs over to an open doorway and sets Skye's box down on a small bed. Even as Skye looks around the bunk, Fitz doesn't seem to move and only after a second does he realise.

"Sorry, you can -" Fitz wanders off and sits beside Elliot, laughing off how awkward the previous situation was.

"Nice Leopold" Elliot joked at the socially awkward boy.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The Bus was travelling to Peru after a possible 0-8-4 had been reported, the entire idea around an object that nobody knew anything about intrigued Elliot as he mind ran around the possibilities of what it could be.

The team was travelling to a temple which had Elliot both excited and freaked out. Fun fact about Elliot: she loves temples. Another fun fact: she gets the worst headaches. Elliot's headaches had been going on for as long as she could remember, a stinging, numbing pins and needles feeling in her brain. She never knew what spiked it, but weirdly she had pieced together that temples made it worst.

Elliot went and sat next to Skye after a while because she wanted to get to know her better and she was also slightly annoyed after Fitz and Simmons were constantly bickering.

"Hey, we've met but it was only briefly," Elliot says.

"Elliot, right?"

"Yep, that's me. I just wanted to check in, see how you were doing. But also, I got a little tired of Fitzsimmons. Don't tell them that."

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒, agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now