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( next day )
I was awake since a while now. I was thinking of yesterday. I have to breakup with Mar, I love him but not like that and I don't want to hurt him.

«hmm.. good morning love» he said and kissed my forehead.

«Good morning Mar» I said.

«What happend yesterday? Do you wanna talk about it?» he asked.

I had to tell him, I can't lie to him.

«Jora called me and asked to come at Mattia's house because he was out of control. Well, I saw Jora crying outside and told me what happend. I told her I would take care of the situation and she went home. Well, Mattia was going insane yesterday. He was breaking things and throwing things on the ground. I talked with him and I calmed him..» I didn't wanna say too much right now.

«But why did she call you and how did you calm him? Couldn't Jora do it?» he asked annoyed.

His attitude is irritating me.

«She told me he was calling for me and that's why she called me. That's no one of your business to know how I calmed him. He was and still is someone important to me Mar.» I said cold.

«It is, you are my girlfriend and I don't like how you are spending time with him. If you don't stop seeing him-» I cut him off. «What? What will you do Mar? C'mon dude, get out. I don't wanna see you. You are nobody to tell me who to see and what to do.» I said

I felt Mar's hand on my cheek. He slapped me, Mar just slapped me. I fell on the ground and watched him coming closer to me.

I stood up and pushed him.
«Mar, if you don't leave right now I swear on everything that I have you won't end good.» I was angry, so angry.

«I'm so sorry Al, I didn't want to slap you..» he said moving closer to me.


I heard someone open my bedroom door, it was Alejandro and Kairi.

~i won't go back at school till September 😪~

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