Last Words

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The following entry or entries are my legacy. I hope to whomever finds this notebook is capable of reading it and understanding my words. I pray that they are still human to be able to read this once I am gone. I have sat for a few hours looking at these blank pages of this pad and I wanted to write something, however I want to leave an account on how these events transpired. So much like everything we will begin at the start. Around two years ago, the date roughly 2020. It was a usual summer. The sun was out the flowers were blooming and the temperature was up. I at the time worked in a small retail shop selling nick and knacks not the most thrilling job but I was happy. It was the last time I can remember being truly happy not that it is worth anything anymore. Well fed, surrounded by friends and prospects of a promotion. I ramble and lament on better times and as I promised to write about the unfolding days I shall. Forgive me reader.

It was around the summer's end  that the weather started to change. Now this was nothing new as if your reading this you must know that the place you currently took this from was a cold, wet country to begin with. We had two days of strange grey skies, not an ounce of sunlight crept through the clouds and the promise of rain hung in the air like an unwelcome smell. Weather reporters and the media took this phenomenon as an interesting diversion to the global crisis. (( As there was always something going on )). I remember the temperature staying very mild with only the slightest of breezes. Never a fan of the sunlight or heat I can say I quite enjoyed this change in climate. How I regret feeling that way now.

Day three of the grey overhang the media noticed from pictures from space that the entire planet was now covered in one giant angry cloud. Our once vibrant blue and green ball was now but a dull grey moon. No clear signs of when it would end. The media started to turn this playful curiosity into something more akin to trepidation. The media spoke about how farmers were panicking about their crops not getting enough sunlight. How strangely it hadn't rained in the entire globe since the clouds appeared. I must be truthful I followed the story with grim fascination as I always seen myself as a bit of a supporter of chaos. I enjoyed seeing how people would react and adapt to extreme situations. Even now with everything that has happened I still support this mindset. It was maybe what has allowed me to survive thus far that or sheer luck. Most of the world at this time however continued on as per. We lived in curious times but nothing could not be explained by science and logical minds. We had faith that this strange storm would subside and we would go back to normal like nothing would happen.

Strange what you can and can't remember isn't it. I know exactly where I was once the rain started. Thinking back on it I even remember the smell in the air. I was cleaning the shelves off a stand. The bleach thick in my nose and a damp cloth being haphazardly rubbed across the grime marked metal.  A work mate and friend was serving a customer. Stacy, ah Stacy. She was five years my junior but one of my best friends. She was a moon faced woman with a bubbly cheery attitude and hair so orange, you would think she glowed in the dark. She had just been telling a customer to have a nice day when a great roar broke the very air. The radio within the store crackled with static. The glass in the entire building rattled and shook.  People instinctively dropped to their knees to cover their ears. I was no exception. The pain rattled my very bones how a noise could cause so much pressure I will never know. How should I describe the noise? I suppose I better try for prosperity. Thunder but on a global scale. One intense bang as if the world was a balloon and a mischievous child just took a needle to it. The mall we worked in stood still for a moment.  Just a second but it felt longer. The noise had retreated but before reaction could kick in the world stood in mute silence. A child's scream was the first thing I heard once reality tumbled back in. Then the sensation of liquid leaking out of my right ear. My balance and perception spun as I knew my eardrum had just burst. Stacy was on the floor holding her slim hands around her ears staring up at me with shock. I tried to speak but could not find the words. My mind was trying to process everything that had just happened. The pain of the noise, the damage it caused to my ear and my senses trying to readjust. I had to swallow a mouthful of bile as my body tried to expel my lunch due to the sudden onset of nausea. Hysteria had fully grasped the public. People ran past the shops door, while others phoned their loved ones and others comforted family members. Now the mall I worked in wasn't the biggest it was only a base floor mall. Meaning it had no second floor so it's roof was windowed for the natural light to seep in. In between all the noise of humanities rush of confusion a new background noise emerged. Looking up I noticed it was the bounce of water hitting the glass. I watched this rain emerge down. However it was not the usual rain we have all experienced. This was as if the very sea itself was descending from the skies. A security guard rushed past me soaked completely through. I remember the trail of water he left behind and the noise of his leather shoes squeel on the tiled floors. I even remember laughing as a customer slipped on his water trail and nearly took a face of floor tiles if he hadn't managed to compose himself at the last second.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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