In the morning

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Sebastian p.o.v

It was time to wake up the young lord when I got there I couldn't help but stare my young lord looked so peaceful. I quietly walked over to him to look closer and he had a smile on his face.

'my young lord is smiling' I thought. I kneeled down next to him and smiled myself. After a while of just staring at him I got up and opened the curtains.

"My young lord it's time to wake up"

"5 more minutes" 

" I'm sorry my lord but you have a busy schedule today" I said whilst chuckling.

"Fine hand me my tea then"

I got his tea and handed it to him. 

"What's my schedule today then"

"This morning you have a dance lesson and then in the afternoon you have a meeting with the company in the west"

He sighed as soon as I said dance lesson I couldn't help but smirk when I turned my back to get his cloths out.  I dressed him in his usual attire with his navy blue shorts and a white shirt and a blue bow.

" For breakfast today you have a lodged egg with toast and a scone is that alright my lord?"

Yes that's fine bring it to my studie"

"As you wish my lord" 

I got up to leave to get his breakfast ready but my mind was elsewhere couldn't stop thinking about him I couldn't have I no I couldn't.

I thinks I've fallen in love with ciel.

This can't be happening can it.

I brought his food to his studie like he asked.

Ciel p.o.v

"Here you go my lord" 

I looked up at Sebastian and he seemed to be thinking about something I got the food and sent him away.

"You may go now Sebastian go clean something" 

No answer

"Sebastian?" I said with a bit of concern.


"SEBASTIAN!!" Now I was angry.

"Yes my lord"

"Finally what were you thinking about?"

Sebastian p.o.v

I didn't know what to say I couldn't say I was thinking about him any I know what to say.

" I was just thinking about how you will do in your dance lesson my lord" I said with a smirk

"Whatever you may go now"

"Yes my lord"

Yes I got out of that one I better not get caught day dreaming again.

Hey guys thanks for reading this it's probably not good this is my first fanfic and I only got this idea not long ago see you next time byeeee.

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