breaking and entering

129 12 6

1:25 pm

I sighed as I walked back towards the painting I was about to throw away, "Maybe I shouldn't put it in the trash, I'll just ask Jin about it." I then proceeded to bring my phone out from my back pocket and text Jin about my dilemma.

I texted him about the painting, but I wasn't expecting an answer for at least another hour. So I put my phone on the table, and lied down on the couch.
I grabbed the remote, and turned the TV, hoping that I would find something entertaining to watch while I waited for Jin's response.

Almost as soon as I pressed the power button, I could hear multiple loud voices laughing and talking with each other. It isn't any of my business, but I can't even hear the tv because of them.

I groaned as I rolled off of the sofa, "Out of all people in this world, why does my neighbor have to be loud?"

I get annoyed easily if you didn't know, so of course I was already bothered by their constant noise.

"I'll just hang out with Jungkook for now."
I didn't even bother putting my shoes on, his room was just right next to mine anyway.
I walked over to his door and walked right in. I knew he was home, and plus he comes in unannounced at my place all the time. So what's the difference if I do it?
"Kookie?" I called out as I walked into his apartment.

"I'm in here!"
The voice came from the back, so I assumed he was in his room.
I got to his bedroom and saw him playing a game on his computer.
"what brings you here Tae?"

"The new guy next to me has friends over, and they're hella loud." I said while sitting next to him.

"Well your welcome to hang out with me and Jinnie hyung anytime here."
He offered, not taking a second to look away from his game.

"Wait, Jin is here?"

As I said that, he suddenly appeared out of the bathroom. "That's Jin 'hyung' to you Taehyung."

"If your here, then why didn't you answer my text?" I asked him as he plopped himself down on the chair near Jungkook's desk.

"I must have left my phone at my house."


𝙅𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

"Soooo, what do you think of your new apartment?" Hoseok asked me while grabbing a drink from my partially empty fridge.

"It sucks ass hyung, it was the only place i could afford, and even then i'm not even the biggest fan of the area. The only store within a mile is this coffee shop down the road." I explained while trying to organize a few things on my shelves.

"It's not that bad of a place though. Plus, your neighbor is pretty cute." Hoseok tried enlightening me.

I looked up eagerly from my pile of stuff, "Really? Well I guess that's a plus."

"That's not the point, I have an idea to make your apartment more fun though," Namjoon said while sitting himself up against the arm rest.
"Let's play a game"

And suddenly, both me and Hoseok were both intrigued. "What game are you thinking of?"

"So it's like truth or dare, but you can't pick truth-"

"Ooh, oooh! I wanna go first." I excitedly said.

"ok ok, how about you go talk to that guy next door then." he said while smirking at me, but I wasn't going to act like it bothered me. Mostly because it didn't, I mean, how hard could it be to talk to him.

"ok, let's go do it then." I set my stuff down, and dusted my self off before looking at them again. They both had their eyes wide. "what?"

"you mean your actually gonna do it?" Hoseok asked,

I shrugged my shoulders, "There's nothing else to do, so why not?"

"Well I'm not gonna argue with him, so let's go before he changes his mind."


And somehow, there we were, standing outside of his room. I brought my hand up to the door and knocked, but no one answered.

"I don't think he's home.."

"I have a Bobby pin if you really wanna get in." Hoseok offered,

"I'm not gonna break into his house hyung-"

"Ok fine, I dare you to do it." Namjoon said, smirking evily

I hesitated at first, but then grabbed the bobby pin from him. "I swear, I'm gonna kill you guys some day."

They just laughed as I started to wiggle the pin around in the lock. I was just about to back out when I heard someone clear there throat aggressively.

I looked up to see an unfamiliar face, I straightened my back and looked at Hoseok and Namjoon. "Is this the guy?"

They both nodded with wide eyes.

"Well shit, you guys weren't lying. He is pretty cute."

I could see a small blush spread across his face, but it was soon replaced by confusion. "Why are you trying to get into my room?"

"I-uhm, well-" I was looking for an answer when someone came out of the room behind him.

"Taehyung where did you go? Oh! There you are. What are you doing out here?" said a boy with dark brown hair.

"I heard something out here, so I came to see what it was. But it turns out it was just shorty and his two friends trying to get into my apartment."
He explained to the other.

"Hey! I'm not that much shorter than you are." I tried arguing back, but he seemed unfazed.

"I wouldn't argue with the one who's apartment you just tried breaking into."

I just sighed and looked over at my friends, they were just silently laughing to themselves as they watched us bicker.

"whatever." he said turning around and flicking Namjoon and Hobi on their foreheads, "Idiots".


Hello again, look who finally decided to finish this chapter. It'll probably be another week or so until I update again, but I'll finish it as soon as possible :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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