Scared of losing you

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"mom where is Zhan?" Yibo ran in the room, looking very nervous.

"weren't you going to meet at the beach? he already left about hour ago"

"why, why didn't he wait, mom i'm leaving see you later"

Yibo reached beach a few minutes later, driving his bicycle like crazy. Zhan was nowhere to see. Yibo started running and calling him, he became already too desperate when something blue in the water got his attention, Yibo restored image of Zhan's shirt he had seen this morning and his whole body shook from fair.

"no, there is no way"

he ran toward the sea and quickly jumped in, Zhan was still so far Yibo was using all his strength to swim as fast as possible. finally he could grab Zhan's light body and quickly swam back, nonstop whispering to him

"bear a little love, please bear a little more"

Yibo started massaging Zhan's heart as soon as he was laid on the land.

"open your eyes Zhan please, you can't leave me like that. after everything, after every feelings you cause in my heart, you can't"

suddenly Yibo felt Zhan's hand moved on his lap, he threw up water and slowly opened his eyes. seeing Yibo's face Zhan smiled faintly and whispered

"you really came Yibo, you really saved me"

"are you really ok? let me look at you"  Yibo kept checking Zhan, meanwhile wiping his stubborn tears  "does it hurts somewhere?"

making sure Zhan was really safe Yibo finally fell on his knees and started sobbing miserably, his whole body was shaking, tears kept dropping from his closed eyes. he was trying to tell something between sobs but Zhan was unable to hear his words.

"Yibo, i'm ok please don't cry. it makes me"  Zhan stopped and just silently wrapped his arms around Yibo, burring his face in his hair "i'm so sorry and thank you for saving me my guardian angel"

"i was very scared, scared to lose you too"  Yibo broke the hug  "thanks god you're alive"

"what do you mean by "you too?"

"actually my dad, he drown here about two years ago"  Yibo stopped to calm down, Zhan held his hand tightly, comforting him.

"somehow i was always afraid of the water but dad loved this place too much. we're coming together and watching the horizon, talking about everything. he was the someone i adored and respected the most, i don't know what happened that day but sea stole him from me. if same happened to you too, if i could never see your face, touch you. how could i..."

"you're suffering much too, seems like we met to heal each-other"  Zhan sadly smiled and lowered his head  "but only thing i'm doing is troubling you and then saying sorry. i'm such a burden"

"who said that?"  shouted Yibo and held Zhan's face in his palms  "from the first day you came here my life changed, it feels like my heart was always waiting for you. i know you're stopping yourself, letting me come closer but at the same time you're stepping back. yes i'm not grown man yet, maybe i'm still kid but... but my feelings for you... it's strong and sincere. even we don't have future..."

"Yibo"  Zhan cut him with putting finger on his lips, his stare froze on Yibo's face. he looked too adorable after all crying, with teary swollen eyes, red nose and parting full lips Zhan was touching now. a little blush appeared on Yibo's cheeks. they're looking into each-other's eyes for quite long time, at the end Yibo's stare stopped at Zhan's lips. Zhan, unable to stop himself anymore moved closer and slightly touched his soft lips, they both shivered from too strong sensation. Zhan broke the kiss and quickly moved back. if he keeps doing that, then there is no way back anymore. can he give everything this little, precious boy needs? can he make him happy? there're too many questions but how can he stop when Yibo is looking at him like that, with wide opened puppy eyes.

Zhan grabbed Yibo's shirt and pushed their lips together again, it wasn't soft one this time. Yibo gasped from sudden pleasure, he wrapped hands around Zhan's neck and moved closer, leaving no space between their bodies. feeling each-other's wet lips in their mouth made both gone crazy. all hidden and denied desires were out now, no embarrassment and shyness anymore. finally getting chance Yibo totally devoured Zhan in his arms and hungrily started sucking his tasty lips. becoming breathless they parted lips but still staying in touch, gently rubbing their foreheads together.

"saving my first kiss was worth it" whispered Yibo

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"saving my first kiss was worth it" whispered Yibo

Zhan's eyes widened in surprise  "you precious little one, when you stop making my heart melt?"

"i amn't little"  mumbled Yibo and quickly held Zhan, suddenly biting his neck. Zhan moaned and pushed Yibo back.

"what are you doing?"

"making you realize what is going to happen to you, if keep calling me little or kid. i can do much more"

"isn't this too bold act from someone, who just got his first kiss?"  smirked Zhan, teasing Yibo.

"you'll see and feel by yourself, having no practice yet doesn't mean i can't do it"

Zhan didn't say anything, just lay down and closed his eyes. feeling hot breath on his face, Zhan smiled and willingly greeted Yibo's lips again. his heart was full of happiness now...

I wasn't expecting this scene to took whole chapter, but it happened 😅  wish you enjoy 😊
Finally they kissed 😍

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