Chapter 1

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As I woke up to sunshine outside, I stretched and yawned as I got up from bed. I then walked to the bathroom to wash up and take a quick shower. When I finished, I wrapped my towel around my body and combed out my hair. Then, I went back to my bedroom to pick out an outfit to wear for school today.

"Um... what should I wear to school?" I asked myself as I carefully thought about it. I kept deciding until I found the perfect outfit to wear. I wore a black blouse with dark blue jeans. Along with them, I also wore brown boots and a jean jacket.
"Alright! I'm ready to go."
As I walked downstairs to the door, my mom suddenly called me...
"Y/n, did you eat breakfast yet?"
"No, I haven't, but I'll eat once I get to school."
"Oh okay. Just make sure it's a healthy breakfast."
"Don't worry, Mom, they only serve healthy meals anyway."
"Alright, bye Sweetie."
"Bye Mom."
As she kissed my cheek, I hugged her and started to head out. I walk to school since it's literally down the street where I live. But I also have company too. I walk with my best friend, Jisoo.
"Y/n! Wait up!" I heard Jisoo calling me from her house. She only lives several houses away from mine.

"Don't worry. I'll wait for you, Jisoo. I'm not going anywhere."
She hurries and grabs her backpack and starts running to me.
"Hey girl!" How's your weekend?" Jisoo asked.
"Well, pretty normal." I answered back.
As we were chatting about our weekend, we came across the school and walked inside the campus.
"Let's go to the cafeteria. I didn't eat breakfast at home." I stated.
"Okay. Same with me too." Jisoo said back.

When we were waking to the line of hungry students, I saw someone glancing over at me from a table not so far away from where I stood. He was a really cute guy. He had nice brown hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail.
"Yes, Y/n?"
"Who's that guy right there with a ponytail sitting with many of his friends?" I asked very curiously.
"Oh, you're talking about Yuta."
"Yuta, Huh?" I was suddenly feeling strange when I told Jisoo. But she will never force me to talk to a guy that I liked.
"Oh, you like have a crush on him or something like that?" She randomly said.
"Well... he's really cute. Maybe I do."
Jisoo was squealing when I told her that.
"I wonder if he's in any of my classes?" I thought to myself.

As Jisoo and I got our breakfast, we sat by the nearest table closest to Yuta.
"Did you know that Yuta was glancing at me for like five seconds when we walked in here?" I asked Jisoo.
"No, I didn't. Was that why you wanted to ask me?" She had a smirk on her face and one of her eyebrows were lifted. I just nodded my head as I ate my food.
When the bell rang for first period, Jisoo and I started to head to our classes.
"What's your first period?" I asked her hoping that we were in the same class together.
"I have math, what about you?"
"I have history."
"Oh okay. Well, see ya after class."
"See ya."
As we waved good bye, I walked in my history class to find Yuta in there. I started getting sweaty as I took my seat a few desks away from him. I was sitting there until class started, but in the meantime, Yuta looked my way as I looked back at him smiling.
"Hello. I'm Yuta. It's really nice to meet you." He greeted me.
"H-Hi. I'm Y/n. It's really nice to m-meet you too." As I said that I couldn't help myself but to just keep smiling.
"So... how's it going?" Yuta started off.
"Oh, I'm... good." I answered feeling shy.
"You can sit next to me if you want. No one is sitting here." Yuta said patting the seat next to him.

"Okay, I'll sit there."
As I moved to the seat next to Yuta, I felt so awkward yet comfortable at the same time. He is a really great guy to be around.
"I know this seems a bit weird, but you can hang out with me and my friends during lunch if you'd like." Yuta said as he really wanted me to hang out with him.
"Oh, it's not a problem at all. I'll just ask my friend if she would want to come along too."
Soon as we were done talking, the class began and the teacher walks inside the classroom.

I was searching for Jisoo after my science class ended. There were so many people here crowding the halls as I tried to walk passed them.
Eventually, I found her after five minutes of rough searching.
"Y/n! There you are!"
"Oh my god! Jisoo! There you are too!"
We both ran to each other and hugged.
"Oh, guess what happened during first period?" I asked but didn't finish.
"Let me guess... Yuta was in the same class with you, right?"
To my surprise, she actually got that correct.
"Uh, yes. Really good guess. But, there was something else that happened..."
"OH MY GOD WHAT IS IT?" Jisoo was all jumpy and excited.
"He asked me if I could hang out with him and his friends when lunch came."

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