The boat ride:)

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(Kais POV)
While Adams rowing I remember what Adam says back when we were I remember so vividly we were in my room and I thought that Adam liked Mira but then out of nowhere he says " I'm gay " I wonder how he found out while he was rowing I asked him "hey how did you know you were gay" he turns around to me bright red skit looks up "wait you gay bro" " uh yeah" he says rubbing his neck " sweet now I have a chance with the lady's" he says while laughing. I see that Adam relaxes and he turns back around and says to me "I had a crush.....well still have a crush" :O "who" I say with excitement I know that may be a little girly but it's fun to know who people like then I turn to Adam and he is bright red and very tense "um you guys promise not to tell anyone" both me and skit hold up our hand and say "we promise" " we'll ummm idk fine uh............Reeve well at least I think I do anytime he is around I get butterflies in my stomach and I always want to see him and I was devastated when he left our team". I start to fan girl "I don't think he's gay bro sorry" skit says in  a sad tone "yeah I know that's why I haven't told him" he says rubbing his neck then the awkward silence starts to crowd us and then we just sit there for the rest of the ride

( hey guys I know it's been I while but I got my thing back and thank you so much for 1k reads I was almost about to cry and you guys are so nice I have to revived any hate and it means so much thank you stay gay my friends)

reeve x Adam the hollowWhere stories live. Discover now