Black Lives Matter

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I tend to stay rather quiet on the political front. This is mainly because there is so much tension and chaos circulates within the world of politics. I am a very emotional person, so all that negative energy takes a toll on my own mental and emotional well being.

There comes a time where my mental and emotional well being has to take a side seat for the moment.

There comes a time where saying that you're against racism or anti-racism is not enough.

There comes a time where staying silent - no matter what your views lie - is not enough.

Innocent black men and women in our communities across the United States are being victimized and targeted for absolutely no reason. They are innocent victims that are feeling the brunt of our fear. A majority of white people are handling their situations and fears absolutely horribly. This is absolutely unacceptable, and our black communities should not have to experience this.

The United States is only 243 years old (244 years old on July 4, 2020). In the 243 years of the country's existence, the US has managed to become a dominant player on the world stage and has helped out Europe in two world wars. Yet, for some unknown reason, the United States doesn't have and can't get a handle on the racism. The US has dealt with this issue for all 243 years of its existence, and enough is enough.

To the people saying "blue lives matter": No one said their lives don't matter. But police officers chose - and continue to choose - to put that badge and uniform on. No one is forcing our police to put their badges and uniforms each day. They can choose not to put it on. Our black and POC communities did not choose the color of their skin.

To the people saying "all lives matter"No one said everyone else's lives don't matter. Saying "all lives matter" is your white privilege speaking. Everyone who's said "all lives matter" has, more often than not, been white. And let me tell you something: White people have never been victimized. White people have never had to fear for their lives or for the lives of their white family/friends. White people have never been denied access to something solely due to the color of their skin. Black people - and people of color - have had to experience all of these things.

To quote one of my favorite cosplayers: "All lives will never matter until black lives matter." - @elizabeth_edquist (this is her IG username)

I started tearing up as I wrote this; I even cried a little as I finished it up. No one in our communities should have to experience this, especially not our black and POC communities. They have experienced enough over what has only been 243 - yes, two hundred forty-three - years of the US's existence.

To the black and POC communities all across the United States: I hear you. I see you. I appreciate you. You matter. You ARE important.

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