Chapter 3

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Briar's P.O.V.

Blackness - absolute nothingness is the first thing I register before hearing several deep voices softly speaking; Hadley's voice is the only one that I know. Slowly blinking my eyes open, I realize I'm not in my bedroom but in a dimly lite bedroom with light tan painted walls and I'm lying on a comfier bed than mine and mine is extremely comfortable.

Turning my head slowly to my right, I find Hadley and the seven bulky guys from the street sitting on various pieces of furniture in the room. Hadley doesn't seem stressed and at complete ease, which makes me feel a little calmer.

"Hadley, where are we?" I softly ask with a raspy voice; this causes all eight of them to snap their attention to me.

"Hey Briar, you scared me!" Hadley gently scolds me as he sits on the bed next to me and swipes my hair from my eyes. "We're at Sloan's home where we came after you passed out an hour ago."

"Sorry to worry you and for the inconvenience," I sincerely tell them all - avoiding their gazes to fiddle with my fingers in my lap.

"Nothing to be apologetic about, my little beauty," the man who asked me for my name and number says.

Blushing from his pet name at me, I nod slightly while trying not to have another panic attack from all of them starring at me and being so damn close.

"So, your name is really Briar?" one of they guys asks.

"Yes it is," I murmur with a small smile.

"That's so cool, I have an unusual name, too, it's Southern," the same guy replies; he looks like four of the seven guys.

Lifting the left side of my mouth in a half smirk; "I like it."

He fully smiles as he introduces the others as he points to them; "That's Blaze, Will and Dakota and these four are my brothers - Sloan, Slater, Sebastian and Samuel."

Sloan is the one who initially talked to me and all of the brothers look similar but him and Slater look identical.

My mouth is speaking quicker than I can process; "Holy fudge, you two are twins!"
Blushing a dark crimson, I slap my hand over my mouth as I duck my head as everyone chuckles at my sudden outburst.

"Can we go, Had? I don't want mum and mama to worry?" I softly beg my best friend, besides I need out before I embarrass myself further.

"Sure we can, Briar but first why don't you give Sloan your number?" he grins at me when I look at him through my eyelashes.

I nod slowly as I hand my cell to Sloan after pulling it from my front pocket; he adds his contact information in before calling himself and then hands it back with a toothy grin.

"Samuel is taking us to your house," Hadley says standing up, so I can, too.

"Thank you for your hospitality and again I'm sorry for the inconvenience," I tell them all but I'm focused on Sloan.

"You're welcome, little beauty and it wasn't an inconvenience," Sloan assures with a warm smile. "I'll talk to you soon."

I swear if I keep blushing, my face is going to melt. Whispering to Sloan; "I'm looking forward to that."

Exiting the bedroom with Hadley and Samuel, I notice we're in a simple yet elegant one story house and climb into a Dodge Ram.

What takes me by surprise is there are fifteen houses on the property.

"How old are the two of you?@ Samuel asks as he drives us toward my house after getting directions from Hadley.

"We're both 17 years old, how about you?" Hadley answers for the both of us.

Samuel grins as his eyes stay focused on the road; "I am, too! Where do you guys attend school and what grade?"

"We're seniors at South Greenmore," I softly reply; feeling oddly comfortable and safe with Samuel. "Hadley will be 18 years next month and I'll be 18 years in June."

"When is your birthday in June?" he asks looking at me through the rear view as he stopped at a red light.

"June 26th, why?"

He grins as he starts driving again; "That's my birthday, too!"

"Are you still in school?" Hadley asks.

"Yup, I'm a senior, too at Lakeshire Academy."

By now he's pulling into the driveway of my house and I see mum and mama glancing through the window in the living room since Hadley and I left on foot earlier today.

"Thanks for the ride and everything, Samuel," I softly say climbing out as does Hadley.

"Anytime. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon," he returns with a wave as Hadley shuts the door and Samuel drives away.

Saying goodbye to Hadley, he drives off home as I walk inside the house where my entire family is waiting for me just inside.

"Who dropped you and Hadley off?" mum demands, worry leaking from her voice.

"A new friend, his name is Samuel and he and his friends and brothers helped me earlier when I had a panic attack and I passed out," I admit with a shrug trying to play it off in hopes they don't freak out.

My luck isn't with me as both of my mum's freak out on me, mum first; "Why didn't you call? Are you hurt? You're going to see the doctor to up your dosage and a therapist again!"

Thirty long minutes later, I've managed to call them both down before I can shower and lie in bed, where I quickly fall asleep.

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