The journey was long and boring for Sanara she just wanted to let loose nd transform but she couldnt leave Aveena and Aveena on the other hand found every little thing to play and dance with evan tho the posibilitys of attacting danger were high ,there was nothing ...
"Hmm bit quiet in these ways its only mid day ,the quake might have scared them off,were not far from trollfolk "-S with no time to reply Aveena stoped playing around nd grasped Sanara's arm a vision flowd through her body shining like a flouresent light inside glowing bright blue as the sky darkend a sour blue ..." on the night of the reverse moon your time will end .your queen has trigured a dark path for your tin town folk ,she has not known the quake has come from her doing. the darkness is escaping the dorm it has slumberd in for centuries you must hurry if you dare to save your pointless worth of a town" the elders boomed from Aveena' body causing her to fit out in the dirt below Sanara's feet az a peaircing pain crumbbled her to her knees az she screamed in pain trying to help Aveena.
Aveena woke next to Sanara ,she wiped at her bluryeyes slowly still dizzy from the vision that left her dazed ...roots from the ground softly pickd her up and cradled her away leaving Sanara laying cold as the rain begins to mist from the sky creating tears on her face seting Aveena to another sleepy trance as the tall rooted figure weaves through the tall forest .
The Lost Finders
مغامرةTwo finders the size of your pinky finger set out on a journy to find lost items of the people from the far lands ,while being faced with dangerous and fatal challenges they have to race against time .Their friendship will be tested against jealousy...