Chapter 1 - You are My Sunshine

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A/n: The drawing above was done by me. This was actually my first time attempting to draw Kyojuro. I think that it turned out really well.


In case you didn't read the story description I will give you the warnings

- Angst
- Swearing
- Manga Spoils

That is all now enjoy the story ≧◡≦


  His smile, shown with the light of a thousand suns. Each radiating a blinding light. That bathed with its vibrant golden rays. His hair flowing over his broad shoulders. Each strand ending with a fiery red color. His eyes glistened with happiness. Banishing all melancholy thoughts that dared to plague my mind.

   His form towered over my own. He held a large presence in the room. But it wasn't intimidating in the slightest. It was welcoming. Just standing in the same room as him made me want to claim his lips for my own. But I held myself back. Unintentionally my eyes would drift over to his demanding form. Gobbling up my attention. It simply felt right. To be here beside him.

-The Flame Pillar, Kyojuro Rengoku-

   I couldn't help but feel attracted to the man. Sure he was attractive but he was so much more than that. Just being around him could make nearly anyone crack a smile. So much so that it hurt to resist. A bright smile always adorns my face whenever he is around. I couldn't help it. I had fallen for him. Hard.

  I couldn't get the man out of my head. He was all I could clearly focus on. Whenever I went out on a mission. I would finish quickly in hopes of seeing him as soon as I could. And I was hardly subtle about it. Wanting to follow him around like a lost puppy. It didn't even surprise you when Mitsuri started asking you about it.

  "So you gonna tell him," The pink and green haired woman asked.

  A dark blush coated my (s/c) cheeks as I mumbled out an answer "Well I don't think I have the heart to get shot down."

  "But you'll never get an answer if you never tell him," Mitsuri says "What if he feels the same way."

  It had never crossed my mind that he might share my feelings. My mind short circuits and the blush on my face worsens. Steam billowed out of my ears. Mitsuri quickly became panicked. Waving her arms about in a panicky way.

  "Ah, (Y/n)-chan are you okay," The husky voice of Rengoku asked as I felt a hand go to my forehead.

  Rengoku's face came into focus. His face was right in front of my own. The blush coating my face worsened considerably. I short embarrassed squeak escaped my lips. My mind was going a mile a minute. With every passing second my blush continued to get progressively worse. If he didn't remove his hand my head would probably have popped.

  I opened my mouth to answer him but instead of words incoherent gibberish tumbled out. Before I could embarrass myself any further I grabbed Mitsuri's hand and got away as quickly as I could. Cursing myself out as I stormed away. Mitsuri's complaints fell on deaf ears as I walked away, her in tow.

  My heart beat against my ribcage. It fluttered at the thought of Rengoku and how close he was. The blush, prominent on my cheeks. My body was hot with desire.

  My escape was halted by a sharp yank of my wrist. Causing me to lose my balance. My butt came into contact with the ground. Glancing up I see Mitsuri. A glare on her squishable face. She snagged a hold of my cheeks.

  "Jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk JERK," Mitsuri shouted as she pinched and pulled at my cheeks.

  She let go. And my cheeks went back to normal with a wet slap. I bring my hands up to my face and massage my now sore cheeks. I stuck out my lip and pouted. Annoyed at Mitsuri abusing my face.

  "Why'd ya storm off like that," Mitsuri asked, shaking her fists around.

  I pause for a second before answering quietly "I was embarrassed... he was so close... and I just panicked..."

  Mitsuri seemed to find my answer acceptable.

  "Okay then so how about that confession," Mitsuri asked with a sly smirk.

  "How bout you keep your eyes on your own romantic life with Obanai," I say, causing her to blush.

  I quickly get up and rush away from the flustered woman. Not wanting to deal with the embarrassed woman.

  "(Y/n)-chan, get your ass over here," She shouted with a dark blush on her face.

  "Ha, no wa-," My reply was cut off by me running into a toned body.

  Taking a quick glance upward I realize that I ran into Kyojuro. Pulling away as I stutter out an apology. The blush that I had forced away was slowly rising back up onto my face. I hadn't noticed it but Kyojuro was blushing too.


  Mitsuri notices that (Y/n) had ran into Rengoku. So she quietly snuck away making sure to be as quiet as possible.  Not wanting to disturb the them. While muttering something about what a cute couple they made.

You are My Sunshine (Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now